What is this story about the dog on the Giza pyramid and why is everyone talking about it? Genesis of a viral news story
Over the past few days, a surprising video has captured the attention of the online public: a brown and white
Over the past few days, a surprising video has captured the attention of the online public: a brown and white
They are shown to us as looked after and lovingly cared for by specialized personnel, presented to the network and
Accustomed to cats and dogs, owners sometimes struggle to spot symptoms and diseases in ferrets. It is important to learn
The animal shelter “Alyarz Pet Club” in Baabdaa suburb of Beirut, is facing an unprecedented crisis due to continued Israeli
Who would have thought that Vietnamese pigs raised in the countryside could be abandoned on the side of a road
The question appears legitimate: in Italy it is legal adopt a sugar glider? Also known as flying squirrels (despite not
“No more cages on farms on community land”. This should have been one of the objectives of the European Commission
The female dragonflies of the Aeshna juncea species they adopt surprising behavior to avoid being harassed by males: they fake
The complex intervention carried out in the countryside in the province of Foggia could only have a happy ending, thanks
The massacre of deer authorized in the territories of Abruzzo must wait and so must the hunters who have already