Void to be made mandatory: +25 cents on water and soft drinks, Austria’s revolution (which we would also like in Italy)
With “Achtung Einsatz!” one of the largest circular economy projects in the country is taking hold in Austria: returnable vacuum
With “Achtung Einsatz!” one of the largest circular economy projects in the country is taking hold in Austria: returnable vacuum
A dull roar marked the end of an era: the Jimbo’s Cavean icon of Argentine Patagoniacollapsed in on itself, leaving
With an investment of 600 million Brazilian reais (around one million euros), Brazil will complete a solar complex that will
A very high bill: 100 billion euros a yearwhich will become 2,000 billion in 20 years, to cleanse Europe of
You know the images of the fires that have been devastating Los Angeles since January 7th? Among the flames and
Imagine if the advertising message became part of the natural cycle of our planet. This is the goal of Recycleavesan
Los Angeles it is a city under siege. The relentless flames of three forest firesfueled by fierce winds and stubborn
An Africa that locally produces solar panels with innovative and sustainable technologies. This is the mission of the project REACH-PSM
The new year has entered with news that leaves little room for optimism: according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service,
Finland confirms itself as a pioneer in the renewable energy sector, presenting a geothermal heating project that represents a turning