Cat litter and litter: which one to choose and where do you throw it? The vet will explain it to you

It’s easy to talk about cat litter and sand: there are now so many types, so much so that extricating oneself from the jungle of these products is becoming truly difficult. For this reason today we will see how many types of litter and sand for cats exist and where to throw them.

On which to choose, the preference necessarily lies with the cat: it is fine to select them for our convenience, but first and foremost we must always protect the health, well-being and cat preferences. Ultimately it is he who will have to use them, not us.

Cat litter: all types

Usually the terms of letter and sand are used synonymously to indicate the substrate in which the cat will produce feces and urine. Here, for convenience, we will distinguish between litter, understood as the external container and sand, i.e. the actual substrate.

Among the most common types of litter we have:

Cat litter: all variations

The scat litter celta must take into account the cat’s preferences. There are cats that do not like clumping ones and those that do not tolerate scented ones, perhaps due to respiratory problems such asfeline asthma. Other cats prefer fine-grained sand, others want coarser-grained ones. (READ also: Why does the cat stop using its litter box?)

But here are the main types of cat litter:

Where to throw the cat’s litter?

We had already talked in the past about where to throw the cat’s litter. If we want to be increasingly green and respect the environment, in fact, it is essential not to make mistakes waste sorting not even when it comes to cat litter and litter.

Cat litter: do you know where to throw it? Be careful, not all of them go into unsorted waste

Here we remind you that:

Absolutely avoid throwing them cat feces in the toilet: you risk clogging the pipes. And before throwing a sand in the waste bin, always check that the packaging specifies that it is a biodegradable sand.

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