Cyclamen in autumn: how to encourage flowering

Cyclamen (scientific name Cyclamenbelonging to the families of Primulaceae) is one of the plants that best adapts to the harshest climates, a symbol of discreet elegance that manages to defy the cold like few others. Cultivation requires some attention, but the pleasure of seeing it bloom lush and colorful, in a period in which many other plants enter vegetative rest, will repay every effort. What is the secret to obtaining lush flowering? Understand the specific needs of the cyclamen and satisfy them consistently.

Cyclamen is native to the Mediterranean regions, where the mild climate favors its natural growth. The flowers, which are arranged in a sort of crown above the leaves, recall the wings of delicate butterflies, dancing with their bright colors from white to intense pink, often enriched by darker shades at the base of the petals, while the leaves, rounded and variegated with silver, add a further decorative touch, helping to make this plant a true winter jewel.

Ideal position and temperature for cyclamen flowering

The correct placement of the cyclamen is perhaps one of the most critical aspects to encourage flowering, given that despite its Mediterranean origins, the plant does not tolerate excessive heat. The ideal temperature for cyclamen is between 13 and 16°C, and it cannot tolerate the heating of domestic environments, which can quickly lead to its decline: if placed indoors, you will have to place it in a cool and well-ventilated place, away from sources direct heat sources such as radiators and stoves.

Outdoors, the cyclamen loves shaded and sheltered positions, therefore, place it under a porch, or next to walls that protect its delicate roots from excessive rain. Remember that, if the temperature drops below 5°C, the plant could suffer significant damage: in such conditions, it would be advisable to provide temporary protection, or move it directly to a more suitable place.

Cyclamen soil and repotting

As for the substrate, the cyclamen needs light, well-drained soil rich in organic substance. An optimal mixture could include two parts of sphagnum moss, one part of loam-based soil and one part of fine sand: this combination guarantees good aeration of the roots and also prevents water stagnation, one of the main causes of root rot.

Repotting is a fundamental practice, both to keep the cyclamen healthy and to stimulate new flowering. At the end of summer, it is possible to repot the cyclamen, burying the tuber halfway in the new soil mixture: in this way you will give new energy to the plant, which will return to flower in autumn with renewed strength. During the summer rest period, you will have to keep the bulbs in a cool and shaded place, temporarily interrupting watering.

Irrigation and humidity for the cultivation of cyclamen


Water management is another aspect of considerable importance when it comes to cyclamen cultivation. The plant does not like waterlogging, so be careful, but it still needs constant humidity to grow properly. One of the most effective techniques to ensure adequate irrigation is to use a saucer with clay granules, filled with water: in this way, the plant will be able to absorb the liquid from below, preventing the roots from remaining immersed directly in the water . Be careful not to wet the tuber, which could quickly lead to rot.

Between one watering phase and another, let the soil dry slightly, so as to avoid excess humidity. Later, with the arrival of spring, when the leaves begin to wither naturally, you can gradually suspend watering, and then resume it with repotting at the end of summer, when the plant comes into vegetation again.

Fertilize cyclamen to support flowering

Cyclamen requires a regular supply of nutrients to ensure abundant flowering. During the growth period, which goes from autumn until the appearance of the flowers, it is advisable to administer a liquid fertilizer every two weeks, an action which will be interrupted when the plant enters vegetative rest, and then resumed at the end of flowering, until the leaves do not begin to wilt. Use a specific fertilizer for indoor plants, rich in phosphorus and potassium, which can promote the development of flowers and keep the plant healthy.

Diseases and parasites: how to protect the cyclamen

Cyclamen is not immune to diseases and parasites. Among the most common problems we find root rot, a condition that develops mainly in the presence of excessive soil humidity: the leaves will begin to shrink, yellow and shrivel, unmistakable signs that the roots are suffering (if you check the roots , these will be dark and rotting). In these cases, unfortunately, the plant is often unrecoverable, and the best thing to do is to eliminate it, making sure to sterilize the pot before using it again.

In addition to root rot, cyclamen can be attacked by aphids, which concentrate on flowers and young leaves, and by red spider mites, which are particularly dangerous in environments that are too dry. To prevent these attacks, you will need to maintain good environmental humidity and, in case of infestations, intervene promptly with a series of specific treatments.

Symbolic meaning of the cyclamen

Cyclamen is a plant rich in meaning and symbolism, deeply rooted in popular culture and floral tradition. In ancient times, the plant was associated with protection and fertility, so much so that the Romans used to plant it in their gardens as a good luck charm. The delicate flower, which blooms in the colder months, is a symbol of resilience and the ability to renew, qualities often attributed to those who face difficulties with courage and discretion. The cyclamen is also linked to the concept of lasting love, but not free from suffering: its flowering in winter represents the beauty that persists despite adversity. In some contexts, it is also considered a symbol of sincerity and hidden truth, as its tubers grow underground, away from sight, as if to suggest that inner strength is often hidden beneath the surface.

The cyclamen flowering cycle: what to expect

cyclamen tuber

With proper care, the cyclamen will be able to ensure spectacular blooms for a long period of time, starting from autumn and lasting until late spring. The flowers can last for several weeks, especially if the plant is kept in a cool, bright environment, and if well cared for, it will tend to produce new flowers even during the winter period, making it a perfect choice for anyone wanting a pop of color in the months darkest of the year.

planting cyclamen seeds

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