Halloween is upon us and the desire to trick or treat is becoming more and more insistent. All we have to do is indulge her by dedicating ourselves to the preparations for the big day and what better way to start than with some nice work in the name of creative recycling. Disturbing but good for the environment.
There are truly an infinite number of reusable materials, but today we want to focus on the potential of old egg cartons. When you discover how you can transform them, you will be amazed.
Get an old egg carton, cut out the individual egg cups and paint them with tempera or acrylic colours: the base will be white, the pupil the color you want, but don’t forget the most important detail, the red capillaries.
Bats are super cute, here’s how to make them:
The spiders are also very simple: just cut out the individual egg cups, paint them black, turn them upside down, glue three little legs on each side (cut out some black pipe cleaners to make them) and finally add two little dancing eyes.
Pumpkins are similar to spiders, but in this case the cardboard must be painted orange and once dry it must be decorated with eyes, mouth and nose. To draw them, use a black permanent marker. Also add a green pipe cleaner by inserting it into a small hole made on the top of the pumpkin.
Witch hats
And what about witch hats? Aren’t they delicious?! In this case you don’t have to recover the egg cups, but the central triangles which serve to divide the spaces inside the entire carton. Cut them out, paint them black, add a purple ribbon around the hat and the job is done.
You could also recover half the egg carton, paint it green, glue two little dancing eyes on the inside. The triangle that usually divides the internal spaces will become the witch’s nose: to further highlight it we recommend gluing a green ball on it. Glue a black wool thread under the nose, giving it the shape of the mouth. Finally, finish the face by adding a nice black hat and some strips of green crepe paper to simulate hair.