Not just grapes, fruit and vegetables that should NEVER be given to your dog because they are toxic to him

Many dog ​​owners don’t know that some types of fruit and vegetables, which are delicious and healthy for us, can be dangerous for our four-legged friends. Dogs’ curiosity often leads them to explore new foods, and this can include fruits and vegetables that are toxic to them.

At the top of the list of prohibited foods is grapes, but they’re not the only ones that pose a serious threat. Let’s see in detail why grapes are so dangerous and which other foods to absolutely avoid to protect your dog’s health.

Grapes (and Raisins)

Grapes and therefore also raisins, among all fruits, are perhaps among the most dangerous for dogs. Even a small amount can cause devastating effects, and it is important to understand how and why these foods are so risky to your health. Unlike other food intolerances or allergies, which vary from dog to dog, grape toxicity is widespread and constant, although the exact reason still remains partly mysterious.

But why are grapes toxic? Grapes and raisins are dangerous even in very small quantities, as they can cause acute kidney failure in dogs. Veterinary research has shown that the toxicity of grapes does not depend on the size of the dog or its breed: some dogs are affected even with a minimal amount, such as a few grapes or a handful of raisins. On a physical level, grapes can interfere with your dog’s kidneys, triggering rapid and sudden acute kidney failure. This means that the kidneys stop working properly, preventing the body from filtering and eliminating toxins, thus causing toxic buildup in the body. It is not yet known which specific substance is responsible for the toxicity, but the symptoms can be serious: vomiting, lethargy, loss of appetite and diarrhea are the first signs of intoxication. In more serious cases, if grapes are ingested in large quantities, the symptoms can progress to kidney failure, with breathing difficulties and, in some cases, fatal outcome.

What to do if your dog eats grapes? If you suspect or know for sure that your dog has ingested grapes or raisins, don’t wait for symptoms to appear. Contact your veterinarian or an emergency center immediately. Early treatment is essential and may include inducing vomiting, gastric lavages, and the administration of fluids to support the kidneys and help expel toxins from the dog’s body. Given the high risk, it is essential to prevent any exposure. Avoid leaving grapes or raisins in places accessible to your dog, such as on low tables, grocery bags, or fruit baskets. Also, if you cook or serve dishes that contain raisins, such as desserts or salads, be very careful not to spill any residue on the floor.

Onions and Garlic

Why are onion and garlic toxic to dogs? Onions and garlic, in all their forms (raw, cooked, powdered), contain thiosulfates, which can destroy the dog’s red blood cells, leading to anemia. Symptoms include lethargy, weakness, shortness of breath, and dark-colored urine. Even small amounts can be harmful if consumed regularly.


Why is avocado toxic to dogs? Avocado contains evena fungicidal substance that is toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting, diarrhea and heart damage. Although the pulp is less harmful than the peel and seeds, it is best to avoid offering it to dogs.

Cherries and Apricots

Why are cherries and apricots toxic to dogs? The pit of cherries and apricots contains cyanidean extremely toxic substance that can cause symptoms such as breathing difficulties, lethargy, seizures and, in the worst cases, death. Even small doses can be fatal.

Green Tomatoes and Raw Potatoes

Why are green tomatoes and raw potatoes toxic to dogs? Unripe tomatoes and raw potatoes contain solaninea substance that can cause gastrointestinal upset, confusion, lethargy and, in severe cases, damage to the nervous system. Once ripe or cooked, these vegetables are safe in small quantities.

Wild Mushrooms

Why are wild mushrooms toxic to dogs? Wild mushrooms, especially unidentifiable ones, can contain toxins that are potentially lethal to dogs. They can cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, up to neurological problems and liver damage.

Rhubarb and Spinach

Why are rhubarb and spinach toxic to dogs? Rhubarb and, in large quantities, also spinach, contain oxalateswhich can damage dogs’ kidneys. Ingesting these vegetables can cause symptoms such as muscle tremors, difficulty breathing and, in severe cases, kidney failure.

Macadamia nuts

Why are macadamia nuts toxic to dogs? Macadamia nuts contain a toxin specific to dogs, which causes symptoms such as vomiting, tremors, fever and weakness. Even a small amount can be toxic, causing dangerous symptoms for your health.

What to do in case of accidental ingestion

If your dog eats any of the vegetables or fruits listed above, call your vet right away. Every minute counts when dealing with toxic substances, as even small amounts of some foods can cause serious effects, such as kidney failure, anemia or neurological problems. Here’s what to do in case of accidental ingestion.

The first thing to do is to immediately call the vet or a veterinary emergency center, specifying which food has been ingested (for example grapes, avocado or onion) and, if possible, the quantity. Also provide details on any first symptoms. This will help the vet assess the urgency and give you precise instructions on the first steps to follow at home or whether to go directly to the clinic. Depending on the case, he may advise you to induce vomiting in your dog, but only under his supervision.

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