This counterintuitive thing to do every day will reduce your heating bills every winter

It may seem counterintuitive, but open windows every day, even during the coldest monthsis one of the most effective ways to reduce humidity in your home and lower your heating bills. Excess humidity not only compromises living comfort, but can cause damage to walls, encourage the formation of mold and even negatively impact respiratory health. This is said not only by experts, but by the Ministry of Health itself, which has drawn up a series of practical recommendations to improve the quality of domestic air and optimize energy consumption.

Why is humidity a threat to your health and wallet?

First of all, let’s clarify why excessive humidity in the home is never a good idea:

The recommendations of the Ministry of Health: what to do to prevent humidity

The Ministry of Health suggests some simple and effective strategies to prevent humidity from becoming a problem:

  1. Ventilate every day

    Open windows for at least 10 minutes a dayeven in winter, is essential to ensure air exchange and reduce accumulated humidity. It doesn’t matter how cold it is outside: this counterintuitive gesture allows you to avoid the stagnation of humid air that feeds mold and fungi.

  2. Limit sources of humidity

    Daily activities such as cooking, doing laundry or showering contribute to humidity. Always use the extractor hood in the kitchen and, in the bathroom, open the window or turn on an extractor fan immediately after showering.

  3. Check condensation

    If you find your windows wet with condensation in the morning, it is a sign that the humidity is too high. Remove it with a dry cloth and check the operation of any ventilation systems.

  4. Regular cleaning and maintenance

    Frequently clean surfaces that are most susceptible to moisture, such as refrigerator seals, shower curtains and vents.

  5. Check the insulation of the house

    Well-insulated walls reduce the risk of condensation and improve energy efficiency. If possible, consider installing controlled mechanical ventilation (VMC) for constant air exchange.

How ventilation can save on heating

A dry house is easier to heat. This is because humidity slows down the walls’ ability to retain heat. Regular airing, combined with good management of humidity sources, allows you to improve energy efficiency and maintain comfortable temperatures with less energy consumption. It’s an investment of a few minutes a day that translates into lighter bills.

A healthier home, lighter bills

Following these recommendations not only helps maintain a healthier, mold-free environment, but improves living comfort and reduces costs. Ventilating the house, against all apparent logic, is one of the simplest and most effective gestures for saving energy and protecting health.