The cooking salt it can be used in many creative projects and colorful is even more beautiful: for this purpose you can use both colored chalks and food colorings, or markers. Find out how to proceed and what the DIY crafts cutest to make together with the children.
How to color salt
Let’s discover three very simple techniques for coloring salt:
Salt sculptures
To make salt sculptures, you will need to pour three cups of salt and three teaspoons of water into a bowl. Mix well and when the salt is uniformly moist, pour it into the chosen mold, pressing to compact it well. Leave it in the mold for at least 12-24 hours. Turn it over and pop it out of the mold, leaving it to dry for another 12-24 hours. Before you start painting it with liquid watercolors, make sure the sculpture is dry and solid. After painting it you will have to let it dry again until it is solid. Here you can find the complete tutorial.
Do you want to make wonderful snowflakes? Get some watercolor paper, vinyl glue, salt, food coloring, a brush and a pencil.
Not just snowflakes, using the same method you can make other figures: just draw the shapes on the paper, squeeze the glue on top, sprinkle the sheet with salt, remove the excess by lifting the sheet and finally color the shapes with the brush and dyes food.
Bottles of colored salt
With salt colored with chalk you can make colorful bottles: dye the salt a color of your choice and pour it into the bottle, proceed with another color and so on until it is completely filled. If you want, you can use jars instead of bottles.
You can also create beautiful mandalas with salt: just draw it or print it on a sheet of paper, fill the various empty spaces with vinyl and sprinkle the colored salt on top, alternating different colours. Remove excess salt at each step by shaking the sheet a little on the table.