A law for Trooper: 5 years in prison if you abandon a dog tied during natural disasters, the proposal after the dramatic history of the Bull Terrier

In Florida a new bill is taking hold for protect animals during natural disastersinspired by the dramatic story of an abandoned dog before Oragano Milton. The bill, known as “Trooper’s Law”, It takes its name from a Bull Terrier dog found linked to a fence in TampaWhile Hurricane Milton He approached forcefully.

The animal had been left in the high water near the Intersect 75, an act that aroused indignation and a commitment to change the laws on the abandonment of animals. Trooper, this is the name given to the dog in honor of the policeman who saved him, was discovered by an agent of the Florida Highway Patrol after receiving a report from a passerby.

The dog was tied to a pole while the waters of the river got up. The policemen managed to save him, immediately bringing him to a veterinarian for an evaluation. Despite the initial voices on social media, which affirmed that the dog had been returned to its owner, it emerged that in reality.

Despite this, the man who had abandoned Trooper – named Giovannny Aldama Garcia – was traced and arrested For cruelty on animals, on charges of leaving the dog tied along the road as he fled from the hurricane.

Trooper was adopted

The case of Trooper has pushed Florida’s legislature to introduce the “Trooper’s Law”, which aims to make a serious crime the abandonment of a dog tied during a natural disaster. If the bill promoted by the deputy Griffi GriffiTts will be approved, the abandonment of animals in these circumstances will result in severe penalties, including Up to five years in prison and a fine of $ 10,000. The law could enter into force starting from 1 October 2025.

In the meantime, Trooper, after recovering from the trauma, was adopted by a family from the southern Florida. He has perfectly integrated with the new family, who has another Bull Terrier, and now lives happy, enjoying walks and moments of relaxation on the sofa.

The “Trooper’s Law” is an important step to raise public awareness on animal protection, in particular in emergency situations. A situation that is sadly repeated from time to time, as shown by the many animals that have been saved from fires in Los Angeles after being left in the houses lapped by the flames.