We have already told you about the countless alternative uses of cloves, perfect for preparing homemade mouthwashes, deodorants and remedies for nausea, but this spice with multiple beneficial properties can also be used also in the decorative field. Leaving aside the Christmas decorations for the tree, i cloves They also prove to be perfect for creating centerpieces, holders and other wonders. Here you are 7 Decorative ideas who will certainly conquer you.
How elegant is this spectacular centerpiece made with oranges, cloves and pine cones. Not to mention the perfume! Put the cloves in oranges, making small holes before with a toothpick, and positioned inside a nice transparent glass vase. Add a few pine cones and system two beautiful white candles on the sides.
Put the cloves in the oranges at a regular distance from each other, practice a hole on the upper part of the orange and slips a white candle. Your holder is served!
Pomander Balls
As you could see, cloves are often stuck in oranges to create multiple decorations. Among these, the most famous ever is represented by the so -called “Pomander Balls”, or oranges covered with this spice, used for decorative purposes or as gifts, but also to perfume the air of the house.
You have to put a toothpick in the orange to puncture it more easily and then insert the cloves in the cigks. You can arrange them as you want but if you completely cover the fruit, the aroma that it will release will be even more intense.
Inserted inside a bag of gauze or tulle, cloves are perfect as wardrobes. Among other things, they keep the tarmes away!