A Unmissable and romantic show awaits us on the evening of February 6thwhen our satellite is in conjunction with Jupiter just near the Pleiadi. But not only that, because in the same hours three shams of shooting starsthe XI-Bootidsthe Alfa Aurigidi and the Lambda Herculids. The show, time permitting, will be completely visible to the naked eyelet’s prepare many desires!
The “kiss” moon-living room immersed in the Pleiades
As the UAI explains, on the night of February 6, the constellation of the Toro will host the conjunction between the planet Jupiter and the Moon just beyond the first quarter, accompanied by the star Aldebaran and the Pleiades (on the map the Heaven of February 6, 2025 at about 21.00).
Among other things – we always say it – the Pleiades are a show even alone: in fact the stellar cluster, if we move away from sources of light pollution (which is in fact becoming a huge problem), it shows us up to 12 stars and in any case, if the weather is Clemente, it is not difficult to count 4 or 5 even in the city.
The falling stars
And this time, really, it doesn’t end here. In fact, in the same hours, three shamans of shooting starsthe XI-Bootidsthe Alfa Aurigidi and the Lambda Herculids.
The swarm of the XI-Bootids, in particular, will be at peak the night between 4 and 5 February and the next between 5 and 6and its radiant, or the point from which it seems that the meteors start, will be visible from midnight onwards, reaching the greater height above the horizon (about 65 °) at dawn.
As for the Alfa Aurigidithe radiant will instead be visible practically all night, culminating near the Zenit around 20 and taking the sunset in the last hours of the morning. The peak in this case will be On the nights between 5 and 6 February and between 6 and 7.
AND at the same timealways on the nights between 5 and 6 February and between 6 and 7, the peak will be Lambda Herculidswith the radiant visible from 2.00 onwards, and greater height on the horizon at dawn (at about 55 °).
Do we really want to lose this show? We prepare many desires!
Sources: UAI / UAI Meteore