In autumn, not only do bedbugs return, but we also have other problematic insects. France knows this well and has had its work cut out for years now with the Asian hornet. Even here, however, it is good to pay attention to Asian hornets since, in fallthey tend to become more aggressive than usual (and compared to bees we know well how much more aggressive wasps and hornets in general are).
In France, for example, several have already been reported attacks this year. The problem does not only concern multiple stings or stings by multiple hornets, but also the fact that a hornet can sting a allergic person. In this case even a single sting is enough to trigger one fatal anaphylactic shock.
Asian hornet, how many species exist?
When we talk about the Asian hornet, we actually sometimes get confused. That’s because there are some species who are nicknamed with the same name. For example, Vespa velutina is sometimes incorrectly referred to as the Asian hornet. In reality, the large Asian hornet would be the Vespa mandarinia. (READ also; Killer hornet: what to do if you come across a nest of the infamous Vespa Velutina)
Vespa velutina, the Asian false hornet
There Vespa velutina is the yellow-legged hornetbut is sometimes incorrectly called as Asian hornet. However, it belongs to the Vespida family and actually originates from South-East Asia. Very widespread in the area, the nigrithorax subspecies was introduced by mistake into France (which explains why the problem is particularly acute here).
Subsequently, this Vespa also arrived in Spain, Portugal, Belgium and even here in Italy.
You can recognize this hornet because it is about 30 mm long (therefore significantly smaller than the true Asian hornet and is also smaller than Vespa crabro, the European hornet) and has a dark body, with a clear yellow line on the abdomen containing a small black triangle .
Watch out for the Vespa velutina! Why it is dangerous, how to recognize it and what to do if the Asian hornet stings you
Vespa orientalis
Sometimes with the name Asian hornet some also indicate the Vespa orientalis, the oriental wasp. This resembles the European hornet more and, in fact, is also widespread in Europe, including Italy. Curiously we also find it in the Middle East and Madagascar.
You recognize it because it has a reddish head, an equally red body and a clear yellow band on the abdomen.
This wasp also attacks bee hives in autumn. Like hornets, it builds its nest in tree cavities and in the ruins of abandoned houses. More rarely it builds nests in the ground.
Vespa mandarinia, the large Asian hornet
There Vespa mandarinia is the Asian giant hornetsometimes also called Japanese hornet. It is in fact the largest hornet in the world. He also comes from East Asia and has a length of 45 mm (55 mm for queens), with a wingspan of 75 mm and a stinger of 6 mm.
Its head is orange, while its chest is golden. The front legs are also orange with dark brown tarsi, while the central and hind legs are dark brown.
The good news is that this giant hornet is not present in Europe (or rather, there are no reports to this effect). However, we find it in China, Korea, Russia, Thailand, Japan and even the United States.
Why are Asian hornets so aggressive?
At this point it is fair to ask why Asian hornets are so aggressive in autumn. There are actually several reasons:
What to do if you find a nest of Asian hornets?

But what to do if you come across a hornet’s nest? Even more so in autumn, given the greater aggressiveness and danger, it would be good report the location of the nest to professionals of the industry so they can come and remove it.
From avoid DIY: if you are not expert, you risk triggering an attack by a large number of hornets, putting your life at risk. If the nest is located on public land, owned by the Common (therefore also a playground or a green area in the city), notify us immediately Police of the potential danger (exactly like when you warn them of the presence of Processionaries). They will then contact the companies specialized in removal (including with drones).
However, if the nest is located on private land, you will have to contact these companies directly. However, you can always ask the Municipality for some reference numbers.
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