Between fears, dangers and close encounters, here’s what they don’t tell you about the bears of Trentino

The Orsi theme is at the center of incessant debate in Trentino. We continue to talk about the number of specimens present in nature, of security, of a coexistence that in the eyes of citizens, mayors and politicians at the top of the northern region appears difficult if not impossible. But is it really unattainable?

Veterinarians, ethologists, jurists and citizens gathered in a conference held in Trento on 1 February in the Caritro room have discussed it. The meeting was organized by the campaign activists Stopcasteller with the intent to bring to the city Scientific opinions regarding the Orsi issue in Trentino and clarify the current situation.

To take the floor among the many participants the ethologists Roberto Marchesini and Francesco De Giorgio, The veterinarian and president of the Italian Society of Veterinary Forensic Sciences Rosario Fico, the zoologist Davide Rufino, the naturalist Gabriele Bertacchini, the lawyer of the animal rights association LNDC Animal Protection Paolo Letrari, the anthropologist and writer Trentino Duccio Canestrini as well as sociologists, researchers, doctorals and teachers.

The interventions addressed the Trentino Bears in different areas beyond political campaigns and fierce decisions against regional wildlife. These are not preferences, strictly personal opinions or individual perceptions on the danger of bears, such as those expressed by the inhabitants of the Val di Sole in a referendum consultation on the great carnivores.

Are the coexistence between man and bear in Trentino and the conflict between the two species to be investigated to answer a common question: is coexistence really (im) possible? It is possible and is desirable, how Stopcasteller activists specify, investing in phantom prevention, in the education of the inhabitants and those who, for pleasure or other reasons, attend the region and its nature and in information (correct).

In recent times we have witnessed one distorted narrative of the facts that really happened in Trentinonarration that for the veterinarian Rosario Fico is the work of a “negative and deformed media coverage with respect to the truthfulness of the facts. The episodes are narrated without there having been a scientific investigation conducted by experts “.

This is true, for example, for the meetings proclaimed as episodes of aggression which, however, “have the characteristics of false attacks or accidents consciously or unconsciously caused by man. So they would not have to be subject to “energetic” “actions that result in the demolition of wild specimen.

Strengthened by the words of politicians and fear, in the common imagination the drastic measures end up appearing only the only effective and unique to guarantee public safety. Not even the shadow of prevention.

In this context, preventing means putting in place all forces and resources to minimize the risk of accidents in the event of close encounter with the bear. It is really possible, the little Alessandro has shown it already years ago, being a few meters from a bear and continue to demonstrate the events that happened in other areas of the world where the presence of the bear is attested.

If on the one hand it is necessary to be aware that any opportunity to meet is in itself and can consequently be more or less dangerous for the circumstances defined as the moment, on the other it is essential to reiterate the importance of implementing correct behaviors in nature. The rules are really simple so that our actions do not create a disturbing for wildlife and are not perceived by these as a threat.

Fear is a normal feeling and, in fact experts do not consider evil the fear experienced, “a reverential fear, towards these non -human appearances that coexist with us in these environments” said the zoologist Davide Rufino.

To fear, however, he must not follow the fury towards an animal species, whose “fault” is to share his territory with the one in which man has settled feeling absolute master.

“When you enter a wood you have to know that you are not alone, that there are others who live in this space because you are not in the garden of your home” concluded Rufino. Cohabitation also means being aware of this concept.