Do you like Venetian masks? Make one with your hands using recycled cardboard

The carnival is upon us and also this year in Venice it will be all a flourishing of wonderful masks. Do you know the most famous ones? There are many, some notes to the general public such as Pantalone, Colombina and Brighella, others less, such as Moretta and Gnaga.

Not to mention the famous Bauta, who completely hid the face of those who wore it guaranteeing maximum anonymity. But there are also Bernardon, Larva, Zanni, Domino, Mattancino and many others.

Venetian masks are made of papier -mâché and then masterfully decorated by skilled craftsmen, but it is a long and demanding process, which you can learn directly on site by making a workshop of creation or decoration.

Here, however, we want to offer you some simplest do -it -yourself ideas and essential, inspired by the Venetian masks but not to a specific model.

To make everything you need are scissors, cardboard, a stick, pencil and various embellishments depending on the mask.

This wonderful cardboard mask made by Miss Mandee can be inspired. As you can see, it is not a three -dimensional mask, but it is flat. Nonetheless, it preserves all its charm and elegance.

Here is the procedure explained step by step.

Here are some Venetian masks from which to draw inspiration for your cardboard reinterpretation.

As you can see, they are very rich in precious details and although some are colorful, many others are characterized by the use of one or two main colors.