The performance of the brand new Willow quantum chip of Google have reignited the debate on the existence of parallel universes. This revolutionary technology, recently presented, promises to change the world of quantum computing forever thanks to unprecedented computing power. Second Hartmut Nevenfounder of Google Quantum AI, Willow was able to perform a calculation in just a few minutes that would require today’s most advanced supercomputers 10 septillion years – an astronomical figure that exceeds the estimated age of the entire universe.
But that’s not all. Neven hinted that Willow’s extraordinary efficiency could provide a new basis to support the multiverse theory. “This result lends credibility to the idea that quantum computing occurs in many parallel universes, as first predicted by the physicist David Deutsch,” Neven said in a post on the official Google Quantum AI blog.
A theory that divides the scientific world
Neven’s statement fueled new speculation about the multiversea central concept in quantum physics. According to this theory, there would be a infinite set of parallel universeseach with its own physical laws and reality. An idea that has won over supporters and skeptics, fueling heated debates.
The principle underlying this hypothesis is linked to the phenomenon ofquantum entanglementor quantum entanglement. This is a property that allows two particles to remain connected, influencing each other, even at large distances. This phenomenon suggests that everything that exists in our universe could have a reflection in other parallel worlds, forming a interconnected system.
The Willow quantum chip represents a huge step forward thanks to the use of qubitswhich allow more states to be processed simultaneously compared to the traditional binary bits (0 and 1) of classical computers. This feature allows quantum computers to solve incredibly complex problems in extraordinarily short times.
If confirmed, the implications of these discoveries could not only revolutionize science but also transform our understanding of the universe and open up new scenarios in research on parallel worlds. However, years of studies will be needed to fully validate these theories.