If you want to prevent the “TikTok Tush” and the onset of hemorrhoids, when you are on the toilet it is better to stay focused on why you are there and not get drawn into prolonged scrolling sessions
Spending too much time on the toiletperhaps distracted by social media like TikTok, can have negative consequences on health, including an increase in risk of hemorrhoids. The phenomenon, jokingly nicknamed “TikTok Tush”, refers to the tendency of many people to take their smartphone into the bathroom and sit on the toilet longer than necessary, scrolling through social content.
However, this behavior should not be underestimated. According to some experts, in fact, in the long run it can cause a excessive pressure in the veins of the anal areafavoring the development of hemorrhoids. The latter are swollen and inflamed veins in the anus and rectum, which cause discomfort, itching, pain and, in some cases, bleeding. Although they may heal spontaneously, severe hemorrhoids often require medical, sometimes surgical, treatment.
An American gastroenterologist, Dr. David L. Schwarzbaum, pointed out that sitting on the toilet for a prolonged period allows blood to accumulate in the lower part of the body, increasing pressure in the blood vessels of the anus and creating an environment conducive to the formation of hemorrhoids.
The 10-15 minute rule
Gastroenterologist Dr. Joe, known for his health advice on TikTok, also explained that sitting on the toilet for too long can lead to the risk of hemorrhoids, warning his followers to avoid long toilet scrolling sessions.
The solution to this problem can be found in “10-15 minute rule” proposed by Dr. Schwarzbaum. He suggests limiting the time spent in the bathroom to a maximum of 10-15 minutes per session, also recommending not carrying a cell phone or other devices that could prolong the time spent sitting.
Alternatively, for those who feel the need for a break from everyday life, Schwarzbaum recommends sit on a chair instead of on the toiletto avoid unnecessary pressure on the anal veins. Colorectal surgeon Karen Zaghiyan is even more restrictive: in her opinion, it is preferable for each bathroom session to last less than five minutes to completely minimize the risk.
Beyond the time recommendations, doctors encourage you to create a bathroom routine that is functional and limits external distractions. Giving up phone use during these times helps avoid complications such as hemorrhoids by promoting usage more conscious and healthy than time spent in the bathroom.