DonnaJean Wilde breaks another record: she completed 1,575 push-ups in one hour, after breaking the first last March
DonnaJean Wildea stunning 59-year-old Canadian grandmother, has established a new Guinness World Record for the highest number of push-ups in an hourcompleting 1,575 in just 60 minutes. This achievement not only establishes her as an elite athlete, but also represents her own second world titleafter holding the abdominal plank position for 4 hours, 30 minutes and 11 seconds in March.
Accompanied by the affectionate cheering of 11 of her 12 grandchildren, Wilde surpassed the previous record of 1,207 push-ups 17 minutes early. The scene, made even more emotional by the handmade signs with messages such as “My grandma is officially awesome!”, it was a moment of celebration for the whole family.
Despite the intensity of the ordeal, Wilde continued undaunted even when one shoulder began to show signs of giving way, demonstrating unwavering determination. His training, conducted in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta, included up to 500 push-ups per daya routine initially developed for the previous plank record.
A passion born during the previous attempt to beat the record
“I fell in love with push-ups during preparation,” DonnaJean said, adding that dedication to these practices has become an integral part of her lifestyle. To be valid, the push-ups had to meet rigorous standards: one 90 degree flexion at the elbow and a full extension upon returning to the starting position.
The event took place in an unusual setting, a center for seniorswhere the intimate atmosphere helped make the event even more special. Despite his experience in high-level competition, Wilde stressed the importance of celebrating one’s successes, taking time to rejoice with loved ones after the challenge.
With an inspiring message, Wilde invited everyone to believe in yourself and pursue your goals of health and well-being, demonstrating that age is never an obstacle to achieving great feats. “A push-up may not seem like much, but it’s a great starting point“, he said.
With her example, this grandmother demonstrated that strength, physical and mental, knows no limits when accompanied by passion and dedication. Also because, let’s remember, DonnaJean has the transverse myelitisa disease characterized by pain and numbness that was diagnosed twenty years ago. Despite this and the physical difficulties it entails, he never stopped training until he achieved the double Guinness World Record.