“Simplification in environmental assessment procedures, rules for the protection of water, measures for the circular economy, reclamation and the fight against hydrogeological instability”, this is how the new measures included in the new Decree approved by the Council of Ministers are presented, on the proposal of Gilberto Pichetto, Minister of the Environment and Energy Security.
A series of new rules or strengthening of others which include – among other things – also greater space for gas drilling in Italian seas.
But what does the Decree that has just received the green light provide? Let’s try to unpack it.
Environmental assessments
According to what we read, the provision provides for a priority in the order of processing of requests, to be defined with a subsequent ministerial decree.
The Decree speaks of a “fast lane” especially for projects of national strategic interest, privileging reliability, technical-economic sustainability, contribution to PNIEC objectives, implementation of PNRR investments and valorisation of existing assets.
Projects that are linked to a “preeminent national strategic interest”, therefore, have a value of over 25 million euros, have the possibility of following a faster process by the Via-Vas commission and the Pnrr-Pniec commission, responsible to control the environmental impact of an intervention.
Gas and oil
The recently approved Environment Decree would prohibit the granting of research permits and cultivation concessions for liquid hydrocarbons, such as oil. Exempt from the block are new extraction permits based on already authorized research and those aimed atgas release‘, i.e. the supply of methane at controlled prices to energy-intensive companies.
As for gas drilling in maritime areas, it is established that . Three more miles of sea in which to drill, because according to the Ministry of the Environment several studies have shown that this distance still guarantees “a high level of safety for the surrounding territories”.
Green hydrogen
Preferential lanes also provided for projects on thegreen hydrogen and for i renovations of existing wind and solar systems and new on-ground solar plants of at least 50 Megawatts and on-ground wind farms of at least 70 Mw. The Decree does not explicitly mention the nuclear but it is undoubtedly included.
Hydrogeological instability
On soil protection and the fight against hydrogeological instability, measures have been identified for the planning and monitoring of interventions, which guarantee interoperability between existing databases. The powers of the Regional Presidents as Commissioners are strengthened, also providing for a mechanism for withdrawing resources for interventions, financed with the planning fund, which have not achieved a certain level of planning.
Circular economy
It pushes for the reuse of refined wastewater and for rules to strengthen the care and maintenance of landscapes and public greenery. A simplification in the identification of the Technical Waste Management Manager for small businesses is also envisaged, which will allow the professional figure to be found without financial burdens for the companies.
Finally, the Decree regulates the management of waste and materials deriving from the construction of the Genoa breakwater and related interventions, providing that the Mayor, as Extraordinary Commissioner, promptly adopts a management plan that reduces landfill disposal and promotes sustainability policies and circular economy.