Everyone ready tonight, the Moon-Saturn “kiss” is back (and it will be surrounded by shooting stars)

It’s not that rare but it’s always amazing, the “kiss” Moon-Saturnwhich can also be admired with the naked eye (weather permitting), although at least good binoculars are advisable to better appreciate the Lord of the Rings. And it doesn’t end here, because the show will be surrounded by much two swarms of shooting starsthe Monocerontids and the who Orionids. Don’t miss it!

As the UAI explains, in the early hours of the night of December 8 the First Quarter Moon will be close to Saturn in the constellation of Aquarius. The conjunction, not very rare, but always fascinating, will be visible (weather permitting) on ​​the South-West horizon (on the map the sky of December 8, 2024 at approximately 9.00 pm).

And while we wait for our satellite to meet the Lord of the Ringslet’s prepare a list of desiresbecause well two swarms of shooting stars they could surround the show. In fact, yesterday 7 December they reached maximum activity Monocerontidswhile the 10th is expected who Orionids. Tonight, therefore, it may not be so difficult to notice some meteors crossing the sky.

As the UAI further explains, the Monocerontids they are related to the comet 1917 The Mellishesand in these days their radiant, or the point from which the swarm seems to start, will be visible all nightculminating around 2.00 am at almost 60° above the horizon, with the greatest number of meteors expected during the night hours.

The who Orionidswhich are supposed to originate from the comet 1702 II and from the asteroid 2201 Oljatoinstead show a diffuse radiant, given that the current is split into two components (north and south), and even if shooting stars are generally not very bright, they are however mixed with occasional persistent fireballs.

This radiant will also be visible all nightculminating around 0.30 am at over 65° above sea level. The peak night is expected between December 10th and 11th, but it won’t be that difficult to see some already tonight 8th, considering that the range of activity is from November 26th to December 18th.

Sources: UAI / UAI meteors