Forget the 19 degrees: this is the ideal temperature you should keep at home to warm up and save

In recent years there is continuously about the famous rule of 19 ° Cconsidering the ideal temperature to heat the house in winter. However, this rule, designed to reduce energy costs and environmental impact, does not seem to meet everyone’s needs. For those who spend a lot of time at home or are particularly cold, 19 ° C can be insufficient. So what is the right temperature to stay warm, without however making the bill splash up? Here’s what experts say.

For some time it has been insisting on 19 ° C as an ideal temperature to heat the houses. This value, however, does not arise from optimal comfort studies, but from an economic and ecological compromise. Nick Barberenergy management expert, in fact explains:

This temperature has been defined more for economic reasons than for a real balance between comfort and necessity.

If for active or well covered people this temperature can be acceptable, the same does not apply to those who spend a lot of time sitting – like those who work in smart working – or for the elderly. It is therefore not surprising that many specialists consume adapt the temperature according to the spaces: for example, keep 19 ° C in common areas such as the stay and raise up to 21 ° C in bedrooms or in domestic offices.

According to the OPS.FR website, in the offices the ideal temperature is between 20 and 22 ° Cespecially for those who spend many hours stopped, for example in front of a screen. This shows that 19 ° C are not a universal rule, but must be modulated according to the personal needs and characteristics of the environment.

Adjust the heating for each room: real comfort

Not everyone perceives the cold in the same way, and the feeling of comfort depends on many factors, such as the level of physical activity and the type of clothing. For those who work from home, for example, staying for hours reduces caloric consumption and amplifies the sense of cold. In these cases, a temperature of 20 or 21 ° C is often more adequateespecially in the rooms where you work.

A more intelligent approach is to adjust the heating based on the use of the rooms:

This strategy saves energy without giving up wellness. In addition, dividing the house into areas with different temperatures helps to limit the environmental impact, avoiding heating unused rooms unnecessarily.

Is heating at 19 ° C really the most sustainable choice?

Another important question concerns the side effects of the rule of 19 ° C. Of course, this temperature is not mandatory, but many owners and properties of properties have adopted it to cut costs.

However, Setting up heating on 19 ° C can have a counterproductive effect. Many tenants, finding it insufficient, resort to alternative solutions, such as portable oil radiators or electric stoves. These devices, in addition to being expensive, consume much more energy than a central heating set on higher temperatures, such as 21 ° C.

In essence, the initial savings obtained by lowering the heating could be canceled by the additional consumption of additional appliances, with an even greater environmental impact. The real challenge, therefore, is to find a balance between comfort and sustainability.