Horror in Barceló Maya, the resort-lager a few meters from the sea where dolphins die in captivity in tiny tanks

The ocean one step away, yet hell in a tub. A video shot with a drone al Barceló Maya Grand Resortluxurious Mexican resort in Canceún, reveals the drama of the dolphins imprisoned in the structure of the structure. The images spread from Urgentseasnon-profit organization on the front line for the defense of marine animals, are a fist in the stomach: mammals, forced into a narrow and shallow space, show all the signs of physical and psychological suffering.

These animals are part of the program Dolphinariswho promises guests of the resort a unique experience: swimming with dolphins and observing them while performing stunts. But behind the facade of fun, there is a very different reality. “The size of the tank do not offer any shelter from the sun,” he denounced Philip Demersco-founder of Urgentseasat the New York Post “and the fact that it is a few meters from the ocean makes the whole situation even more excruciating. Imagine seeing and smelling the ocean, or freedom, while at the same time come treated like a criminal in prison“.

The situation is so serious that Urgentseas defined the structure “The smaller dolphins tank than Latin America“And he launched an appeal to the boycott of the resort, asking for the immediate liberation of the animals. To worsen the picture, the complaint of Urgentseas according to which Two dolphins would have recently died in the structurethen to be quickly replaced. Following this, on 5 December 2024, the team of Empty the tanks mexico He organized a peaceful event outside the resort.

The question aroused the indignation of public opinion and, in the wake of protests, Mexican authorities have finally decided to intervene. How to learn from a series of tweets, Profep (Federal Prosecutor for Environmental Protection) opened an investigation into the case. On January 25, Urgentseas announced on Twitter: “Today we protested for the third time asking Barceló to close his Delfinario in the Riviera Maya. The conditions are terrible and two dolphins are dead ”.

On January 29, the news arrived that the Profess had started an administrative inspection procedure at the Barceló hotel, “following the complaint presented for the death and the alleged mistreatment of dolphins in that place”. The Profep said that will keep citizenship informed about the developments and the results of the inspection.

The next day, on January 30, Profepa herself communicated that she is investigating the “Manipulation of dolphins in the #Hotelbarceló dolphinarium“, Specifying that” Pimvs (property or structure that manages wildlife) it must demonstrate that it respects the legislation on the management of the specimens of wildlife“. In an official press release, the Profess also specified that it has asked the General Directorate of the wildlife (DGVS) of Semornat (secretariat for the environment and natural resources) detailed information on the Delfinario, including the documentation relating to the death of a dolphin named “Plata” and the transfer of another named “Alex”to verify that the company respects its obligations and guarantee good management of the specimens. The Profepa also made it known that it has requested Silvestre di Semarnat information on the Delfinario of the#HotelBarceló to verify that the company respects its obligations and guarantees good management of the specimens.

“With the documentation collected, this Prosecutor General may verify that there is a legal appropriation of the specimens currently in his possession, that there is consistency between what was said in the management plan and the losses reported and the traceability in transfers,” he said in a note Mariana Boy Tamborrellfederal prosecutor for environmental protection, “and with this he will determine If there are violations in order to impose the corresponding sanctions. We will continue to report this problem and to work to ensure compliance with environmental legislation “.

The story, now at the center of an official investigation, rekindles the spotlight on the controversial practice of dolphinaries and on the living conditions of animals in captivity. A business that, in spite of the promises of unforgettable experiences, often hides a reality made of suffering and deprivation for these extraordinary creatures.