Mistreatment, unnecessary killings and living conditions beyond decency for laboratory animals in exchange for a handful of favors: it happened to theMagna University Graecia of Catanzarowhere a corrupt system of piloted inspections guaranteed teaching and positioning in competition rankings. The coin to be paid was silence, so much in those workshops of the University It was the animals that paid her dear and bitter.
Corruption, killing of animals, false, criminal association and aggravated fraud against the state, as well as a abusive breeding: These are just some of the accusations of Prosecutor and Guardia di Finanza against the leaders of the University and a veterinarian of the Provincial Health Authority.
Thus, thanks to the investigation of the Public Prosecutor’s Office conducted by the Guardia di Finanza, 11 people were placed under house arrest, all employees of the Calabrian University including the former rector while one of the provincial health company was suspended for a year from the service. The guarantee information was notified to 21 people.
What happened at the University of Horrors
The accusations are very serious and concern the management of stabular of the university in which animals were raised illegally, without any minimum guarantee Of well -being e Of hygiene.
Subtracting on these horrors to employees to be able to access large public funding equal to about 2 million euros, all with the tacit approach of the controller, in this case theASP veterinary Of Catanzaro.
But the Stabulars – says LAV – Based on Legislative Decree 26/2014, must be subjected to constant checks by the local competent authorities to whose summit is the Ministry of Health, responsible for issuing the authorizations for conducting experiments and institution to check that the conduct carried out are made on the basis of current legislation.
In the university laboratories, moreover, he trials on guinea pigs alive In defiance of any good rule of hygiene, animal and ethical welfare, also used medicines on which there was not control: morphine, ketamine and other substances used if necessary, without even a drug cabinet, necessary by law, nor a register loading and unloading. Even animals were often purchased by guinea pig farms without there being a project that authorized experimentation on live animals.
And finally: fetid and small cages for everyone, and then be sacrificed – concludes Finance – without authorizations by the Ministry of Health.
Result? It is not known how many animals killed unnecessarily and scientific research by very doubtful reliability, precisely because of the conditions in which experiments occurred.