Late January and end of the hunting season, or almost. In fact, the period of hunting For most huntable species, but in spring and summer the hunting hunting with use of deer, deer, caprioli and chamois can continue in some regions.
The over 450 thousand Italian hunters, therefore, will still remain a threat to the residual biodiversity, especially in the light of the fact that there is always and still basically a disastrous failure to comply with laws and regulations in the sectorwith a number still too high of felling of specimens of protected species, failure to comply with the safety distances from roads and homes, wide diffusion of the very prohibited electroacoustic calls.
The “Action plan for the contrast of offenses against wild birds”for example, launched by the State-Regions Conference in 2017, remained substantially outdated, with a progressive decrease of the public staff of the territorial bodies.
The infringement and the brunette
Hunting in periods prohibited by species such as thrushes, bushes and aquatic birds; judgments of the Tar not respected; Proposals in parliament of hunting deregulation and delegitimization of the role of ISPRA. The Italy of hunting, although in socio-cultural decline, does not deny its tendency to violate the rules, specifies the Lipu-Birdlife Italia.
In fact, in February 2024 Italy was put in default by the European Commission, as part of an infringement procedure for non -compliance with the “Birds” directive and the Reach Community Regulation for the announcement of the use of lead cartridges in wetlands.
The regional hunting calendars for the season that is ending in the Marche, Veneto, Campania, Umbria, Lombardy, Basilicata, Calabria, Sardinia, Abruzzo and Piedmont, have been partially considered illegitimate Regarding some huntable species and related periods of hunting, following specific ordinances or judgments of merit of the TAR or the Council of State.
This made it possible to save numerous thousands of animal lives, but the madness that we periodically live, even with accidents costing the life of the hunters, does not stop.