Lombardy’s first counter against animal abuse in animal inaugurated in Bergamo

Bergamo takes the field against animal cruelty. Today, in the Galmozzi room of the town hall, The first Lav counter was inaugurated against animal mistreatment in Lombardy. An initiative that responds to the urgent need to contrast a unfortunately widespread phenomenon and which too often remains unpunished.

“The serious mistreatment that have caused the suffering of defenseless animals in recent weeks, like the two cases of dogs related to cars and dragged at speed on the asphalt, one in the province of Bari and the other in the province of Modena, they still highlight More than the need and urgency of a decisive intervention against the violent, “said Annarita D’Errico, national manager of the Lav counters.

And the numbers give her right. Every year in Italy around 9,000 judicial proceedings open for crimes are Against animals, a complaint every 55 minutes, as stated in the Zoomafia 2024 report. A data, already worrying, to which is added the submerged of cases that are not reported.

Even Lombardy, unfortunately, is not exempt from this phenomenon. In 2023, the Lombard prosecutors recorded a worrying number of proceedings for animal mistreatment: 167 in Bergamo, 323 in Brescia, 59 in Busto Arsizio, 81 in Como, 35 in Lecco, 32 in Lodi, 127 in Milan (with a case of killing of animals that involved a minor), 52 in Pavia and 31 in Varese.

Faced with these data, the opening of the Lav counter in Bergamo represents an important step for the protection of animals in the region. The service, managed by specialized personnel, collects discounts of mistreatment through different channels: a dedicated telephone number (3441362519), the e-mail address maltretamentiBergamo@lav.it and an easy-to-use website.

The counter is not limited to the collection of reports, but It also offers a consultancy and support service to citizensactively collaborating with the police to ensure that each case of mistreatment is pursued.

“The most effective way to combat crimes against animals – Lav knows – is to ask for the collaboration of all citizens by making them available agile tools to report any type of abuse towards animals. For this reason Lav also launched an online petition, addressed to the parliamentarians of the Chamber and Senate and the Minister of Justice Nordio, to ask for a truly effective law for those who kill and mistreat animals.

The initiative found the support of CONDABILITY And Arcaplanet Foundation. Condability, company consultancy firm, expressed its enthusiasm for the project, underlining the importance of a concrete commitment for a world more respectful of all living beings. Arcaplanet FoundationInstead, he will support the activity of the Lav counter with a fundraiser in Arcaplanet stores.