Marmotta day: origins and history of the curious tradition celebrated on February 2nd overseas

If in our latitudes on February 2, it is time for Candelora, in the United States and Canada the “GroundHog Day“, That is the Marmot day.

The anniversary was introduced in 1840 by German immigrants who arrived in Pennsylvania and basically consists of being revealed by a marmot if spring is upon us or if winter is destined to last for a long time.

How do you understand it? If the marmot leaves the den on February 2nd and seeing its shadow returns in frightened, the winter is destined to last a minimum of another six weeks, if instead it leaves the den and not seeing its shadow remains outdoors, the spring is near .


The custom of predict time by observing animals It has very ancient origins and falls within the sphere of metheteognostics or meteorognosia, a popular version of meteorology.

This is the forecast of atmospheric phenomena based on peasant popular beliefs, in turn based on the observation of different natural phenomena concerning in particular fauna and flora. These include the observation of the marmot, which has gradually replaced the hedgehog, but also other animals such as bears and foxes.

According to the official site of PunxSutawney, a town in Pennsylvania where a big themed party is organized every year, The day of the marmot is also linked to the tradition of the candlesticklocal festival during which the candles bless to deal with the darkness of winter, the presentation of the Temple of Jesus according to the Jewish custom is celebrated, and the weather is made.

Just think of all the Popular Proverbs of the Candelora linked to atmospheric phenomena. An example? – For the candlemath, or whether it snows or that plora, of winter we are outstanding. – This proverb reflects the hope that, with the arrival of February 2, winter is about to end and that we approach spring.

Where it is celebrated

The day of the marmot is celebrated in the United States and in Canadabut the most famous ceremony ever is the one that takes place in PunxSutawney, Pennsylvania, organized by the GroundHog Club.

Here, on February 2 of each year, a large event is organized which features a Marmotta named Philthat leaving his den reveals whether the winter is about to end or not.

The film that made “the day of marmot” famous

The international fame of this strange tradition is due to the film “Ricomincio da Capo”, where Bill Murray plays a television meteorologist forced to reach the city of PunxSutawney to make a report on the day of the marmot. The protagonist finds himself reliving, despite himself, the same day continuously, so much so that “Groundhog Day” has become synonymous with a monotonous day.

Sources: Groundhog