He circumvented the controls and walked on the streets of Fuorigrotta (Naples), frightening people on the street. No, it is not a dangerous criminal, but a camel who attempted the Escape from a circuslooking for a freedom that had not been feeling for some time and which, unfortunately, lasted very little. The animal was in fact recovered with the help of Law enforcement.
A camel is escaped from the enclosure of the circus of the room In Viale Games of the Mediterranean in Fuorigrotta – the journalist and deputy writes on his Facebook page Francesco Emilio Borrelli – was found in the area that leads to Agnano and reported in the structure after a few hours thanks to the intervention of the police
The video, published by Fabio Giunti on Tik Tokleaves no room for doubt about the incident.
@Fabiogiunti Camcello runs away from the circus to Fuorigrotta. #scappa #carco #poveroanimale #madagascar ♬ Original sound – Fabio Giunti
The episode, which fortunately did not end in tragedy, recalls a similar one that took place just a few months ago in Stuttgart (Germany) and once again rekindles the debate on the sense of staging shows of doubtful taste, exploiting animals who were not born to do “skills” exercises, for live in captivity and in climates and environments not suitable for them, continuously subjected to stress and Orders of human beings.
And it is certainly not the first (and, if things don’t change, it will probably not even be the last). The same Borrelli At the end of December, what happened in Licola, always in the Neapolitan, when some lions “engaged” in a number with the tamer, denied at the end of December, tried to rebel by trying to destroy the barriers. The people who attended the “show” ran terrified. And in that case you really are touched a tragedy.
Everything while last August was again postponed by one year (for the fourth time!) The law that ban The cruel and anachronistic shows, financed by our money. But that, unfortunately, they continue to do audience and to produce collections.
Risking being repetitive, We continue to ask ourselves the same question: why?
Sources: Fabio Giunti/Tik Tok/Francesco Emilio Borrelli/Facebook