Rome dreams of its fourth metro line, but the Metro D It seems destined to remain a mirage for a long time to come. The mobility councillor Eugenio Patanèin an interview with Il Messaggero, illustrated the new project, revised and corrected, which includes a new route of 30 kilometers with 30 stops (the previous one was 20 km with 22 stops), connecting the north-east area to the south of the city.
An ambitious work, the cost of which however tripled compared to initial forecasts, going from 3 to 9 billion euros. “We are working on the Feasibility Document of Project Alternatives,” explained Patanè. “Following this phase, the most profitable route will be indicated and we will be able to proceed with the drafting of the Design Guidance Document”.
The goal is to complete these steps by Marchthen starting negotiations with the RTI Conductswhich in 2010 was awarded the concession of line D in project financing. An agreement that envisaged a public-private partnership, with the management and collection of tickets for the first 30 years of operation as a form of compensation for the private investment.
But the cost of the work is now much higher, and its economic sustainability remains to be verified. The first functional Nomentana GRA-Nemorense section seems consolidated, which according to Patanè it should be ready within 8 years of laying the first stoneexpected after the 2026 Capitol elections. An ambitious goal, which however depends on many factors, not least the outcome of the elections.
Line D of the Rome metro will start from the north, on Nomentanacrossing Montesacro (Ojetti, Talenti, Adriatic, Ionian) e River Square. It will intersect Metro A at Barberini and Metro C at Piazza Venezia, avoiding San Silvestro due to the presence of important archaeological remains. It will continue towards Trastevere, Piazza Fermi and Viale Marconi. The new version will divert to Portuense, including stops such as Vigna Pia, Forlanini and Villa Bonelli, returning to the original route to Eur. An extension is also planned towards via di Vigna Murata, passing through via del Tintoretto and viale della Fotografia, to build a second warehouse.
Strategic exchanges with the FL1 and Metromare regional railway lines.
Meanwhile, the councilor also took stock of the other ongoing projects for public transport in Rome. For the C linenow in the home stretch, the final project will be presented by Septemberunder penalty of withdrawal of the 4 billion granted in 2022 by the Government.
For the extension of line A Battistini-Torrevecchiathe technicians are working to update the documents, with the aim of presenting a leasing proposal under construction to the European Investment Bank by June.
Also for the extension of line B beyond Rebibbia We are working on updating the maps and evaluating the economic sustainability of a possible further extension to the Tiburtino Tecnopolo.
“These are all activities which, if completed this year, will allow construction sites to be opened by 2026“, concluded Patanè. “That’s why this is a decisive year.”
With this new commitment, the Capitoline administration wants to finally provide Rome with a fourth metro line that can improve citizens’ mobility and quality of life.