Rare alignment of planets on the way? Let’s clarify!

There will indeed be a perfect alignment of planets next January 21st or 25th? These days the announcements are multiplying online and the anticipation is great. In reality it won’t be exactly like that, but there will really be a show (and it will be beautiful all the same).

As we also announced, the next one January 21st six planets of the Solar System will be all visible in the sky at the same time (although not all with the naked eye). And in reality this scenario could also be repeated on other days, as StarWalk reportsonly January 21st is the day the show will be viewable across most of the globe.

However, this does not mean that the planets will be aligned, which is why we talked about ‘Parade of planets‘, not alignment, as can be seen from the maps that can be obtained with Stellarium (and how as NASA also reports).

In particular here in Italy the best time slot is around 7.30pm, when the six planets will be above the horizon, in particular Jupiter, Mars And Uranus to the south – south-east, while Venus, Saturn And Neptune to the west – south-west (on the maps le portions of the sky January 21, 2025 at approximately 7.30 pm).

alignment January 21, 2025 clarity

And it doesn’t end here, because part of the show will also continue in the following hours, as the south-eastern part will still have the planets visible (in the map the sky of January 21, 2025 at approximately 9.30 pm).

alignment January 21, 2025 clarity

Nothing, therefore, is taken away from one a show that we invite everyone to admirebut it is important to provide the correct information.