Strawberry liqueur, how to make the digestive from the forgotten fruit

Let’s find out how to prepare the strawberry liqueur, a delicious autumn digestive. From the collection of berries to seasoning, here are all the secrets for an impeccable result.


Among the wonders that autumn gives us, the strawberry tree is perhaps one of the most underestimated fruits. Still, these brightly brightly hidden shrubs hide a secret: a delicious artisan liqueur, perfect for heating cold evenings and surprising guests with a unique flavor. Preparing it is a real ritual, which combines tradition, patience and a pinch of creativity.

Collection and preparations: the beginning of the adventure

First of all, you need the undisputed protagonist: the strawberry tree. If you are lucky enough to live near woods or hills, gathering mature berries will already be an exciting experience in itself. The fruits, of a bright red, look like small rubies scattered in the leaves. Once collected at least 550 grams of berriesyou can move on to the preparation.

Also get:

Now that you have everything, it’s time to roll up your sleeves!

The magic of infusion

After collecting ingredients and instruments, let’s move on to the preparation of the liqueur. We will proceed in this way:

And now, the secret ingredient, patience. You will have to let everything rest for at least 30 days: during this period, the berries will release aromas and colors, transforming alcohol into a rich and fragrant base.

Filtering and sweetening

After month, it is time to give shape to the liqueur. First of all, filter the alcohol with a strainer, pressing the berries with a fork to extract each drop of flavor (you should get about 500 ml of filtered alcohol).

For the syrupfollow this proportion:

The moment of truth

Don’t hurry to enjoy it immediately! The strawberry liqueur improves over time. Let it season for at least 15 days, but if you can resist a month, the flavor will be even more refined.
Serve fresh, perhaps at the end of the meal, and enjoy the intense aroma that contains all the essence of autumn.
