A single stork on what was previously his nest, removed to make room for a supermarket, is the saddest image of today

The hand of man alwaysat any cost, especially when it is the money he calls: for this Raoul And Pinaa couple of storks symbol of Pinerolin Piedmont, no longer has his own nestwho was at the top of the chimney of the former sifting Vagnone For over twenty years and where for as many years the couple laid eggs and grew his little ones. But now there must be a supermarket.

The video, published on the page Facebook of Coordination of Pinerolese associationsis really sad: one removal Who leaves a couple of ignor storks without home who now do not know where to go and where to continue growing small.

A story that begins at least four years ago

As reported by the local portal Pinerolese voicewho published a press release from the same Association, the private proponents advanced to the Municipality of Pinerolo four years ago, on January 25, 2021, the proposal of a “reuse and redevelopment intervention” of the area of ​​about 7,000 square meters included between the fearful streets, San Secondo and Brigata Cagliari.

About three months later (verbal city council n ° 14 of 14 April 2021), in the absence of clear information on the future destination of the area and in the uninitiated many councilors, the city council approved what was required by the proposers themselves, granting both the derogation to the coverage report provided for by the regulatory plan than the one in article 45 bis of Technical implementation standards.

The latter, in particular, provided for a bond of protection on part of the existing buildings such as ‘industrial production complexes of environmental or documentary interest’, and the derogation – which in fact leaves perplexed – has been granted as it would be of buildings “not presenting particular prestigious characteristics”, with a evident and drastic change of evaluation.

The operation took place despite a petition he had collected over 54 thousand signatures: the chimney has been demolished and a place has now been placed anti -nesting structure.

What happened happened

For a correct reconstruction of the facts we therefore remember that:

The Municipality, or honor of the truth, has in fact installed a new posatiobut we don’t know if Raul And Pina they will decide to stay or leave.

Here The video of the removal.

What remains

Raoul and Pina Removal Nuo storgne Pinerolo

And now there is a stork there, on that chimneys that before it was his nest, who seems to look at the void trying to understand because and how all this happened.

Beyond any creaking justification, advanced claim, express opinion, declared protection of the “common good”, this remains – writes the association – e

Of course there are those who defend the intervention as right as a legitimate redevelopment of the area, but, in fact, it appears as theYet another interference of man on nature.

We have no further comments.

Sources: Pinerolese voice/Coordination of Pinerolesi associations / Coordination of Pinerolese/Facebook associations