What happens if you forget to put the antifreeze in your car?

The antifreeze a fundamental element for the survival of your car, especially in winter. Its main task is to prevent the cooling liquid from fulfilling when the temperatures fall below zero, ensuring the correct functioning of the engine. But that’s not all: it also helps to prevent corrosion inside the radiator and pipes, keeping the cooling system efficient and prolonging its duration.
Especially in the coldest regions in Italy, such as the northern and Apennine areas, where in winter temperatures can go down widely below zero, the use of the antifreeze is essential to avoid serious and expensive damage: underestimating its importance can have consequences disastrous.

What happens if you forget the antifreeze

If you have forgotten to put the antifreeze, prepare for bad surprises. When the temperature drops below zero, the water inside the cooling system could freeze. And since the water, when it turns into ice, increases in volume, the risk is that cracks are formed in the pipes and radiator, or worse, that the engine block is damaged.
Another negative effect is the overheating of the engine. It seems a paradox, but it is exactly what happens: without a fluid capable of circulating correctly, the heat produced by combustion cannot disperse. And an engine that overheats is a condemnation that can involve consequences such as burnt gaskets, melted head, expensive repairs, if not the need to replace the entire engine.
In addition, without antifreeze, the cooling liquid loses its ability to protect the internal components from corrosion. Over time, rust and mineral deposits accumulate, obstructing the passages of the cooling circuit and compromising the efficiency of the system.

Tips for maintenance of the cooling system

Preventing is better than taking care is an old adage that always is useful, and in the case of the antifreeze it is even more valid. We therefore see some tips to maintain the cooling system in perfect efficiency:

What to do if the antifreeze ends

If you were to notice a low level of antifreeze, or in the event that the car began to give signals of overheating, you will have to intervene immediately. As? Proceed in this way:

The antifreeze is an element of vital importance for the functioning of your car, and neglecting it means exposing the engine to enormous risks, with consequences that can go from simple discomfort to catastrophic faults. Proper maintenance of the cooling system protects the engine and also stretches the life of your car, avoiding unnecessary expenses and sudden problems.
Never underestimate the importance of the antifreeze!