Hands off the Ispra! In these hours Enpa, Lav, Legambiente, Lipu and WWF Italia asked to be listened to by the Agriculture Commission of the Chamber regarding one New bill presented by the League.
A proposal, per century the “PDL 2011“, Which would aim to substitute The Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA, with a new “Faunistic Management Institute” in skills related to wildlife. A new institute that, in fact, would be in charge of providing too opinions on hunting calendars and on biodiversity protection policies.
Environmental associations have obviously expressed strong concern, defining the proposal a “very serious attack on science“Aimed at promoting hunting lobbies.
In fact, the Ispra, recognized internationally for its scientific authority, is instead considered “uncomfortable“From some groups why provides scientific opinions on hunting calendarswhich is not always welcome to hunters and weapons producers. The associations also highlight that the proposal could violate supranational regulations on the protection of wildlife, including international conventions and community directives, and that Italy is already subject to disputes with the European hunting Commission, with two pilot procedures that They resulted in an infringement procedure.
And not only: how much in contrast is this bill with the recent revision of article 9 of the Italian Constitution, which attributes the task of protecting the environment, biodiversity, ecosystems and animals to the state?