“You are a monkey”: the mother of an athlete who insults another is the scene that we would no longer want to see

Who are you? The leash of a dog attached there? But don’t you ashame?“To end with a sound”You are a monkey!“. Everything feels clear and round and immediately the target girl – exhausted – turns off and runs towards the stands. It is not clear, the images are blurred, but those words feel in all their clear clarity, with that acid and ferocious tone typical of an insult. Racist.

It happened in Rimini, during a Basket Under 19 game in the Carim gym between the female teams of Happy Rimini and New Virtus Cesena. Here, while playing with his team on the parquet, a young player became the target of those racist insults by a spectator.

Nothing new, we will think, in an Italy that is used to demonstrating the most becera of its qualities. Egonu taught us for many years, at his expense, that we are guilty of a latent racism (to say only one eh).

Still, those words come sharp as blades, why from a mother of two athletes from the opposing team. Not that if someone else had done it it would be of less gravity, but in this case it is vivid and burning the feeling that you are at that moment thrown the sportiness (and all civilization) to the nettles.

Already during the game, the witnesses tell, that mother would have addressed heavy offenses to the basketball player. The episode had been resumed live on Facebook by the same woman, then immediately deleted, but some users captured screenshots that testify to what happened.

Both teams involved expressed solidarity with the player affected by the insults and reiterated their commitment for a sport free from discrimination. But there remains a strong sense of bitter in the mouth: in 2025, to a game of young girls, it is dangerous as well as demeaning to witness such episodes.

Rimini’s team has made it known that he will present a complaint to the carabinieri, while that of Cesena has condemned the episode without any justification:
We are deeply embarrassed and mortified, and we understand how much this said has wounded the player. There are no excuses for what happened and we are committed to taking the parents verses verses to make sure that similar situations do not repeat themselves in the future. It is a severe behavior resulting from a personal initiative of a parent who beyond the spirit of our society.

The final Chiosa? The insulting lady screamed: “but It was not said for the sense of racism! “.

Ah no?