These are the 10 best winter soups you can prepare to warm up even the coldest evenings

Winter soups. Here are 10 recipes that can inspire you to prepare rich and tasty soups suitable for winter. Mouth-watering.

How to warm up winter evenings? Serve one for dinner hot soup based on seasonal vegetableslegumes and cereals, combined according to the preferences of the whole family. Enrich your soups with flavor thanks to spices and aromatic herbs, such as turmeric, lo gingeroregano, thyme and rosemary.

You will get tasty and creative dishes that will be appreciated by everyone. By varying the ingredients and seasonings your winter soups will never be the same. Don’t forget to serve them with slices of homemade bread or with crunchy croutons made by you. Here you are 10 recipes Of winter soups that you can draw inspiration from.

Apple and celery soup

apple and celery soupapple and celery soup

Here is a typical soup from Irish tradition which you can easily prepare with yellow apples and of celeryusing the ribs and a few leaves to decorate. For 4 people, cook 300 g of celery sticks and 2 apples in a liter of vegetable broth, all already cut into small pieces. When the apples and celery are soft, blend. Add one or two tablespoons of rice flour and stir to thicken the soup. Season with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, white pepper and whole sea salt. Garnish each plate with celery leaves. Here you will find the complete recipe.

Lentil soup

To prepare this soup of lentils you will need a few simple ingredients, a traditional legume soup, perfect to serve with pasta or rice. Here is the complete recipe to follow step by step.

Parsnip and ginger soup

This parsnip and ginger soup recipe is ideal for cold winter evenings, offering a fresh and spicy flavour, perfect for those looking for something different from the usual vegetable or legume soups. To prepare it, start by heating the oil in a large pan, add the chopped onion and fry for about 3-4 minutes, until it turns golden. In the meantime, wash the parsnip roots, cut the ends and cut them into equal pieces. Add the parsnip to the pan together with the chopped garlic and ginger, browning it for 2 minutes, stirring well. Pour in the vegetable broth and bring everything to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes, until the parsnips are soft. Blend the soup with an immersion blender until you obtain a smooth, velvety consistency. At this point, add the sour cream. Serve the soup in bowls, perhaps enriching it with a sprinkling of parsley or sweet paprika, or with some parsnip chips for a crunchy touch. Here is the complete recipe.

Creamy leek and white bean soup

leek and bean soupleek and bean soup

To prepare a leek and white bean soup, creamy like a velvety soup, start by chopping 2 leeks and 2 small stalks of celery. Sauté them in a large pan with 1 clove of garlic and 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, cooking for about 3 minutes and stirring occasionally. Add 2 teaspoons of chopped thyme, 400 grams of boiled white beans and 750 ml to 1 liter of vegetable broth. Leave to simmer with the lid on for 20 minutes. Blend half the soup and then combine the mixture with the remaining ingredients in the pan. Serve the soup accompanied with homemade croutons.

Red lentil, turmeric and ginger soup

red lentil soupred lentil soup

The red lentils they lend themselves very well to the preparation of soups. You can make your lentil soup even more special by adding turmeric And gingertwo beneficial spices that best protect us from winter ailments. You will get a tasty and at the same time purifying soup. Follow the full recipe here.

Spelled and broccoli soup

spelled and broccoli soupspelled and broccoli soup

To prepare a spelled and broccoli soup you will only need 45 minutes and a few simple ingredients. A soup rich in fibre, mineral salts and vitamins, perfect to enjoy on a cold winter evening. Here is the complete recipe.

Chestnut, spelled and potato soup

To prepare this recipe for 4 people, start by peeling the chestnuts, removing only the outer skin. Boil them in salted water with a bay leaf. Halfway through cooking, remove the internal skin and continue to cook them over a low heat. Meanwhile, prepare the vegetable broth in a separate pot. In a crock or pan with a thick bottom, fry the leek in the oil and add the peeled and chopped potatoes. After a couple of minutes, add the sage leaves, the rosemary sprigs and the vegetable broth. Continue cooking until the potatoes are tender, then add the chestnuts (some whole and others mashed with a fork) and the spelled. Complete cooking and serve. Here is the complete recipe.

Beetroot soup

Traditional Ukrainian Russian borsch. Beetroot soup on wooden tableTraditional Ukrainian Russian borsch. Beetroot soup on wooden table

Borscht is a traditional soup of Ukrainian origin, but much loved throughout Eastern Europe, with variations that change depending on the country. It can be served cold or hot, depending on the ingredients. We offer you the cold version, typical of Poland, prepared with beetroot and cabbage. A nutrient-rich dish that combines the power of these two ingredients to combat the winter cold. Here is the complete recipe.

Pumpkin soup

pumpkin souppumpkin soup

A simple recipe with a delicate flavour, perfect for a cold, winter evening. You can decide to cut the vegetables into cubes or roughly, and then blend the soup. The addition of turmeric And pepper among the ingredients makes this pumpkin soup a panacea for children too seasonal ailments. Here is the recipe to follow step by step.

Spelled and bean soup

spelled and bean soupspelled and bean soup

There spelled and bean soup it’s one recipe to prepare a complete first course based on cereals and legumes, enriched with seasonal vegetables. To be served hot, it is also perfect to prepare in advance. Here is the complete recipe to follow.