These are the 122 Italian municipalities in which the most plastic is recycled: how do you position yours in the ranking?

In an era in which theplastic pollution threat ecosystems and cities, There are those who have decided not to stay and watch.

There are 122 Italian municipalities that said enough to abandoned plasticworking in concrete policies for sustainability. The recognition comes from Plastic Free Onlusthe organization that has been working since 2019 to counter the environmental degradation caused by plastic.

The award ceremony, which was held today 4 February in Montecitorio, celebrated the most virtuous administrations. “I am very proud that our initiative grows every year. Municipalities that undergo our evaluation show that the change is possible, “he said Luca De Gaetanopresident of Plastic Free Onlus.

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But what does it mean to be a common plastic free? The evaluation is based on 23 rigorous criteriaincluding the Urban waste managementawareness campaigns and the Fight against illegal abandonment. The municipalities come then rewarded with a score ranging from 1 to 3 turtlessymbol of the struggle for environmental protection. On March 8, in Naples, the official certificate delivery ceremony will be held.

From Abruzzo to Sicily: who drives the green revolution?

The commitment to a more sustainable Italy has no boundaries. The region with the most municipalities awarded is Abruzzowith 16 virtuous administrations, followed by Sicily (14), Puglia and Veneto (12). Large cities are also doing their part: Milan, Bari, Pisa, Bergamo and Ferrara They are among the urban centers that have distinguished themselves for the effectiveness of their actions.

It is not only the metropolises that guide the change. Even small villages and local realities are making the difference. Countries such as Tortoreto (Abruzzo), Scicli (Sicily) and Castiglione del Lago (Umbria) show that even the smallest communities can adopt winning strategies.

The awareness action is essential for the success of the initiative. “The problem is not plastic in itself, but its uncontrolled abandonment“, He underlined Mauro Rotellipresident of the Chamber’s Environment Commission. The involvement of schools, citizens and local businesses is essential for a lasting transition to a plastic free world.

A plastic sea: the environmental cost of pollution

But why is all this so important? Plastic pollution is not only an aesthetic threat, but a real global emergency. Every year, between 7 and 13 million tons of plastic end up in the oceanscontributing to the formation of huge islands of floating waste. Currently, according to the data collected by Copernicus Marine Service, Over 120 million tons of plastic are found in our seas.

Plastic, which takes hundreds of thousands of years to decompose, represents a serious threat to marine biodiversity. Every year, Between 5,000 and 15,000 turtles remain caught in plastic waste only in northern AustraliaWhile pollution increases the risk of diseases in corals from 4% to 89%. The environmental and economic cost is very high: it is estimated that plastic pollution Costs for the global economy between 2,500 and 28,000 euros per ton dispersed at sea.

Faced with this scenario, the commitment of the plastic free municipalities takes on an even more significant value. Contrasting plastic means protecting ecosystems, reducing environmental costs and improving the quality of life of communities.

The list of 122 municipalities