This is the most expensive honey in the world, it is called elven honey and costs 5,000 euros per kilo
Elvish honey, whose name means “elven” in Italian, is a delicacy that can reach the price of 5000 euros per kilo, making it one of the most exclusive and expensive products in the world. No other honey enjoys such fame, thanks not only to the particular production methods, but also to the rarity of the place from which it comes and the extraordinary nutritional properties that characterize it.
The honey most expensive in the world is produced in Türkiye. Is called Elvish and its price per kilo is 5000 euros. This special variety of honey is extracted at a depth of 1800 meters in the Saricayir valley, in the city of Artvin, located in the north-east of Türkiye.
According to him local beekeepersElvish honey is so expensive because it is produced completely naturally. The richness of minerals in the cave from which it is extracted improves the quality of the honey and increases its value. The beekeepers saw entering the cave the first bees in 2009. Since then they have speculated that it might contain honey.
With the help of speleologists, the beekeepers were able to gain access to the depths of the cave. In this way they recovered well 18 kilograms of honeywhich had been deposited on the internal walls of the cavity. Elvish honey has undergone specific tests which have confirmed itshigh quality and wealth in mineral saltsthe. The tests were conducted by a French laboratory.
The first kilo of Elvish honey was sold in France in 2009 for 45 thousand euros. A year later a Chinese pharmacist bought another kilo, at the price of 28 thousand euros. At the moment Elvish honey costs 5000 euros per kilo. It is sold in packs of 170 grams and 250 grams. In short, this special honey can currently cost almost as much as a small car.
The properties of Elvish honey
Elvish honey is known not only for its high mineral content, but also for its particular health-promoting properties. The combination of unique nutrients and minerals makes this honey a true natural elixir, indicated by experts as helping the immune system, reducing inflammation and even improving digestion. Some believe that it can support wound healing thanks to its antibacterial properties, characteristics that have helped increase its prestige on the global market.
How it is collected
The Elvish honey harvesting process is as fascinating as it is demanding: beekeepers, equipped with special equipment, must descend into the depths of the cave to extract the honey in difficult conditions, where humidity and temperature play a crucial role in the final quality of the honey. product. This traditional method, combined with the exclusive place where it is collected, increases the rarity and value of honey, making it accessible to a few connoisseurs and enthusiasts of exclusive products.
Second Gunay Gunduzone of the local beekeepers, Elvish honey can be used both as a food and as a real drug. The honey is produced completely naturally and without beehives. The production area is rich in wild and medicinal plants, a characteristic that increases its price. Generally the Turkish honey It is considered the best in the world, but beekeepers complain about the spread of artificial honeyto the detriment of good natural honey produced in Türkiye (without taking into account Elvish honey), which cannot have a price lower than 15 euros.