An approach that looks to the person before the patient: this is the meaning of the #unitedbyunique slogan chosen for the global campaign of the Union for International Cancer Control
Today, February 4, the World Cancer Dayan opportunity to reflect on prevention, care and support to cancer patients. For the three-year period 2025-2027, the global campaign promoted by the Union for International Cancer Control chose the slogan #Unitedbyuniquewhich underlines the importance of unite in the fight against cancer, while recognizing the uniqueness of each individual struck by the disease.
Cancer, in fact, is not only a medical condition, but an experience that involves the whole life of those who are affected. Behind every diagnosis there are Stories of suffering, strength, hope. Precisely for this reason, the new vision of the oncological treatment is based on “People-Centred Care”a model that is not limited to clinical aspects, but also takes into consideration i Psychological, emotional and social needs of patients. Involving family members, health workers and communities in the care path can improve both the effectiveness of therapies and the quality of life of those who face the disease.
Prevention is fundamental!
One of the key objectives of the campaign is to raise public awareness of the importance of prevention. It is estimated that about A third of tumors could be avoided by adopting healthy lifestyles. However, in Italy, alcohol consumption, smoking, sedentary lifestyle and overweight remain widespread problems. Obesity, for example, is linked to 12 types of cancer, while smoking is responsible for 25% of cancer deaths in the world.
Despite the scientific evidence, many doctors on how to reduce risk factors. Only 43% of overweight people receive advice To lose weight, and less than half of the smokers is encouraged to stop. Furthermore only 30% of sedentaries receives recommendations to do physical activity. It is essential to fill this information gap, so that prevention becomes a concrete priority for everyone.
In addition to medical aspects, cancer also has a significant economic impact. In Italy, 26% of cancer patients experiment financial difficulties related to expenses for care, drugs and movements towards specialist centers. In addition, people with smaller economic resources and a low level of education have a higher risk of developing the disease It is a lower probability of healing.
Another important challenge is to ensure that the quality of life patients are adequately monitored. Currently less than 70% of clinical studies include this aspect among the evaluation parameters, and only half of the data collected is actually published. To improve disease management, it is essential to listen to patients directly and integrate their experiences in research and clinical practice.
World Cancer Day 2025 must therefore invite us to look beyond the disease and put the person in the center. By combining medical skills, social commitment and mutual support, we can build a future in which each patient is seen first of all as an individual, with his history, his needs and his dignity.
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