Soon a spectacle awaits us to admire and photograph, the “kiss” Wolf Moon-Marsit will be perfectly visible to the naked eye (weather permitting) the evening of January 13th. The spectacle, rarest among the various Moon-Mars “kisses” because with the satellite in the flood phase, deserves a moment of pause and silence, in admiration of the firmament.
Because Wolf Moon
The Full Moon in January is called Wolf Moon in American tradition due to the deep and ancient links between wolves and this full moon: it is no coincidence that the Gaelic word for January, Faoilleachderives from the term used for wolves, faol-chueven though wolves haven’t existed in Scotland for centuries.
The Saxon word for January is furthermore Wulf-monathor WolfMonth (“month of the wolf”), and in Japan in this month the festival of the wolf god is held, Ooguchi Magamiwhile the tribe Seneca ties the wolf to the moon so strongly that he believes a wolf gave birth to the moon by “singing” it in the sky.
What we will see on January 13, 2025
As the Uai explains, the Wolf Moon and Mars will meet on January 13th almost aligned with Castor and Pollux, the main stars of the constellation Gemini (in the map the sky of January 13, 2025 at approximately 8.00 pm).
Source: Uai