What are “Time Banks” in which hours of assistance are accumulated by helping other people

The “Time Bank” represents an innovative social solution in which time becomes a real currency. The concept, which originated in Switzerland, involves people accumulate time credits by offering assistance to other people to then be able to use them when they in turn need help.

It’s all about offering a time-based service to another person, of any kind. It can be consultancy, help with children, gardening, construction, homework help but also assistance to the elderly. The way it works is simple: an hour of service is credited to a personal time account. In the future the accumulated credits they can be “spent” to receive support from other members of the system.

These are free associations of people who self-organize to help each other with small daily needs, recovering the traditions of mutual help typical of good neighborly relations. In this context, the usual help between family or friends Yes It also extends to unknown peoplecreating a community support network.

Elderly care

Time Banks work like credit institutions, but with one big difference: neither positive nor negative. The only obligation is to balance the account, that is, to return the time received so that the budget is always in balance.

In addition to service exchanges, Time Banks organize community events such as meetings, parties, trips and cultural visitscreating further opportunities for socialization and sharing. These activities enrich the account holders’ experience, strengthening social bonds and promoting a more cohesive and supportive community.

Furthermore, the adoption of such models can represent an innovative response to the challenges posed by the aging of the population. In Switzerland, for example, there are initiatives in which citizens they volunteer to assist the elderly with daily activitiesaccumulating time credits. These credits can be used in the future to receive similar assistance, creating a virtuous cycle of intergenerational support.

Time Banks therefore offer an alternative to the traditional economic system, based on sharing and mutual support. They promote social solidarity, strengthen community ties and enhance skills that often do not find space in traditional economic markets. Through digital platforms and community initiatives, this model is demonstrating how time can become a precious resource for build more cohesive and resilient societies.