What plants, fruit trees and shrubs must you prune in February (and which are absolutely not)?

Pruning is important because it promotes growth and fruiting. Obviously, it is essential to prune in the right period of the year and, above all, in the right way. In February we are still in the middle of winter, so it is winter pruningwhich aims to encourage growth so that fruit trees are productive and shrubs do not exceed their space.

This is the moment of pruning roses, cut the clematids and remodel bushes and fruit trees. Once the leaves have fallen, it is easy to see the structure of a plant and, consequently, it will be easier to perform the cuts. In addition, pruning in winter can also help control or prevent the spread of diseases.

(Read also: What plants, fruit trees or shrubs must you prune in January (and which are absolutely not)?


The screws They are woody and deciduous plants, which exudate lymph when they are pruned, and this when it happens can weaken the plant. So, in this case it is It is important to proceed in mid -winter, in February, when they are deeply dormant. Other plants that bleed when pruned are maple, birch and figs.



February is also the month to dedicate to the pruning of the raspberry bushes. In this case, cut all the rods of the raspberries with autumn fruit up to 5 cm from the ground, from autumn to late winter. In this period, the pruning will encourage the growth of new fresh stemswhich will bear fruit in the autumn.

Clematide of Group 3


There Clematide of Group 3 blooms in half-fines summer. Proping in February is the ideal time; How to do it? Cutting the plant up to 10 cm from the ground to remove the old growth, and encourage the birth of new sprouts. Most clematides need only a slight reordering after flowering.

Fruit bushes

Fruit bushes

THE fruit bushesincluding blueberries and black currant, as well as spine grapes and red currant, they should be pruned in winter. As a general rule, you have to remove a little old wood every year, creating a chalice shape, leaving young healthy branches that will produce large crops in the years to come.



Cut i bushes and climbing roses at the end of winter promotes healthy growthflowery sprouts and greater blooms in the summer. Many types of roses can be pruned in winter, including floribunda, shrub roses and climbing roses. As a general rule, cut the thin and weak stalks of more and the thick and vigorous ones less. Try to leave plants from 15 cm to 45 cm, depending on the size and your preferences.

Meli and Peri


Meli and Peri should be pruned from November to mid -March, to encourage fruiting. There pruning will help to encourage a good harvest. Try to create a shape with a glass of wine, with uniformly spaced branches, which rise from the trunk forming a circle. Cut any sprouts at the base and remove the dead, sick or crossed branches.

Deciduous ornamental trees


From November to March, Remove the smaller branches from ornamental trees to create a clean stem and bare at least 90-120 cm high. Remove the branches that prevent access or block the mowing, but cuts in a delicate way, thinning without cutting the entire hair.

The plants not to be pruned in February


In February. Among the various species we point out:

Furthermore, you shouldn’t prune the diarupaceslike cherries or plums, in winter because they risk being infected with a fungal disease called silver leaf. Proceed with the pruning of these plants starting from the beginning or half of the summer season.

THEN General, pruning in February should be moderate, aimed at removing dead or damaged wood and maintaining the shape of the tree. Avoid pruning plants that bloom in spring, so as not to compromise the production of flowers and fruits.