Why doesn’t the dog lift his paw to pee?

Many male dog owners wonder because their dog doesn’t lift his paw to pee. Well, in some cases it is completely normal, but in others it could indicate some illness in progress. But before thinking about why dogs don’t raise their paw when they urinate, it would be good to clarify why they usually carry out this behavior.

Why do male dogs lift their paw to pee?

This is a normal behaviorwhich all male dog owners expect from their four-legged friend. That is, once it becomes an adult, the dog lifts its paw to urinate on walls, poles, car tires and so on.

Usually the dog carries out this behavior when puberty begins and begins to enter adulthood, therefore around 7-8 months of age. The reason they do this is simple. Since for dogs, especially males, mark the territory it is a fundamental behavior (it serves to signal to other dogs their presence in that area, but also to cover the smell of any rivals), so by lifting their paw they are able to direct the jet better, as well as being able to cover a larger area . (READ also: When and why would it be better to have your dog neutered?)

More rarely it happens that it is one female raising her paw to pee. In general this indicates very confident female dogs.

There are also those who maintain that the fact that the dog raises its right or left hind leg indicates something more aboutnature of that dog. If he lifts his right paw, it means that he is using the left hemisphere more, therefore the more rational part of the brain. If he lifts his left paw, it could indicate that he uses the right hemisphere more, therefore the more emotional part of the brain. However, this is not necessarily the case. It could also be a simple matter habit or preference for one paw over the other.

Why doesn’t the dog lift his paw to pee?

Now that we understand why the dog raises its paw, let’s ask ourselves why some dogs don’t lift their paw to pee. THE reasons they could be different and not all of them require intervention on our part:

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