Why should you never publish the photo of your keys on the internet?

Taking a photo of your keys to celebrate a move, a new home or a special event may seem like a harmless gesture. A memory to be shared on social media to receive some likes of enthusiasm from friends. Yet this habit hides a huge risk: make direct access to your home available to malicine. It may seem an exaggeration, but current technology allows you to copy a key starting from a simple image. That’s why it would be better to think twice before posting it.

The role of technology: how does a key reproduce from a photo?

Maybe few know it, but the keys are not all the same. The teeth, the grooves and the profile are unique elements which, if clearly visible in a photograph, can be reproduced with a disturbing precision.
According to Laura Kankaala, a computer security expert for F-Secure, a simple image can provide enough details to create a perfect copy through 3D printing. This means that a thief, without even having to break a lock, could make a key identical to yours and open the door of the house without leaving signs of effort.
If to this is added the fact that often the photos of the keys are accompanied by some personal details – such as the place where you live or the name of the city – the risk increases. The criminals must do nothing but cross the information and identify the corresponding home.

Social and sharing: hidden dangers

We live in the era of compulsive sharing. We post our joys, our pains, the most recent purchases and even those details that should remain private. Daily, recurrent actions that are almost automatically performed, but which can easily turn into a double -edged sword.
In the interview with the Daily Mail, Laura Kankala suggests a series of other images that would be better not to publish:

Online security also passes through these small tricks. Avoiding excessive sharing helps to protect your privacy and that of others.

How to publish safely

If you really don’t want to give up posting certain moments on social media, there are precautions to be adopted:

What to do if you have already published a photo of the keys

Have you noticed that you have already made this mistake? The best thing to do is immediately eliminate the post. However, if the image remained online for a certain period, it could be prudent to change the lock, especially if you have also shared the name of the city or other details on your home.
It is not a question of paranoia, but of simple common sense. Better prevent than having to face unpleasant consequences in the future.

Privacy first of all

The Internet is a vast space, and what we publish can remain accessible for much more time than we imagine. Protecting one’s privacy does not only mean avoiding thefts, but also preserving daily security, because a key in the pocket is only yours, but an online key could end up in the wrong hands.
Think about it before publishing.