The arrival of the winter season is good news for runners: running when it’s cold is really good for you, we’re not saying it but science has said it
The dreary cold days of winter might make some runners think twice about jogging, but recent research suggests that the benefits of running in the cold far outweigh those of running in warmer temperatures. In particular, the cold can help you burn more fat, lose more weight and feel more vital.
Cold weather doesn’t have to force runners indoors, and I encourage my patients to continue running safely outdoors,” said Dr. Joshua Blomgren, of Midwest Orthopedics at RUSH, in a recent statement. “Exercise is medicine, even in winter.”
But what would be the practical advantages of running in winter too?
Run to the cold is easier
While the prospect of a run may seem less appealing when it’s cold, the physical act of running is actually much easier when temperatures are cold. In fact, the Cold weather is actually ideal for long distance running.
The hotter the climate, the greater the strain on the body, in fact, high temperatures can also increase the cardiovascular and metabolic strain on the body while running. Running in the heat can cause heat loss, through sweat, and that’s what makes the act of running infinitely more difficult.
Cold running boosts your metabolism
Running in the cold can actually help increase metabolism. The metabolism slows down to preserve fat when a person does not exercise. But exposing the body to cold, on the other hand, causes the metabolism to work faster and, consequently, to lose more weight.
Helps your mood
It’s no secret that cold, dark weather can cause mood swings and seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Exercise, in any form, increases serotonin and endorphins, which means it can improve mood. SAD can also be caused by a lack of sunlight in the winter, so running outside can make a difference.
Running in the cold burns more calories
Running will help you maintain a healthy weight even in winter, especially during the Christmas holidays, and this can improve life expectancy and reduce cardiovascular diseases.
Converts fat in the body
The body carries all different types of fat, the main two being brown and white. Brown fat is made up of metabolic tissue and helps burn calories. According to research, then, exposing the body to cold temperatures can actually help convert this white fat into brown fat.
Improves mental toughness
Tackling a run in harsh weather conditions may seem like a challenge, but it helps build mental resilience. Learning to overcome the discomfort caused by low temperatures helps runners develop greater determination and adaptability, qualities that can also be applied in other areas of daily life. Additionally, the satisfaction that comes from completing a run in less-than-ideal conditions can be a powerful motivator to keep you motivated.
How to properly prepare for running in the cold
To get the most benefits from winter running, it’s important to take some precautions. Wearing technical clothing in layers helps keep the body warm without accumulating moisture. Protecting extremities, such as hands, feet and head, is essential to avoid excessive heat loss. Finally, a proper warm-up before running is crucial to preventing injuries, as muscles take longer to warm up in cold conditions. These measures allow you to enjoy the benefits of running outdoors even during the coldest days.
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