How beautiful are plants in winter? They give life, add color and subvert the natural order of things: among poinsettias, amaryllis and orchids, resisting the temptation to bring some home becomes a real challenge.
However, there is a small problem: purchasing a plant during the cold season requires particular attention, given that even an insignificant mistake could compromise the health of the plant, even before it arrives to decorate your living room.
To avoid such a scenario, we have selected four very common mistakes to avoidfollowed by some tips that will allow us to take care of our beloved plants.
Error no. 1: plants exposed to the cold near the entrance
How many times have you been attracted by the plants positioned at the entrance to the supermarket or garden center? Of course, they are clearly visible, but in winter this choice can prove to be a risk, given that semi-open spaces expose the plants to cold drafts, compromising their health.
The damage, however, is not immediately visible. Many times the suffering manifests itself only a few days later, when the leaves begin to yellow, or spots appear. The advice? Opt for plants displayed inside the shop, away from temperature changes. Don’t be fooled by appearance: what seems lush at the entrance could prove fragile once home.
Error no. 2: choose plants with obvious signs of distress
Let’s face it: we’ve all fallen for it at least once. The plant seems a little out of sorts, it certainly doesn’t look like the most beautiful of them all, but it will definitely just need a little water, we tell ourselves (and maybe it’s even offered at a discounted price). But no. Floppy leaves, dark color or white spots are alarm bells that indicate the presence of some flaw, such as damage due to the cold, or poor management.
Don’t be tempted: even if at first glance a plant may seem recoverable, winter conditions greatly reduce the chances of recovery. Always focus on healthy and vigorous looking specimens. Trust your eye and, if you are unsure, ask the store staff for advice.
Error no. 3: Transport plants without protection from the cold
Plants, especially tropical ones, are not great lovers of cold temperatures. Think about what happens when you bring them home without any protection: the water in the cells can freeze and cause irreparable damage to leaves, flowers and roots.
To avoid a whole host of disasters, don’t skimp on protection. Wrap the plants in wrapping paper or insulating fabric before leaving the store, and if the store offers a wrapping service, accept it enthusiastically! During transport, avoid the trunk: it is better to place the plant on the internal seats, where the temperature is milder.
And once we get home? Don’t rush to discard it. Place it in a cool, bright room for a few hours before moving it to a warmer environment, so that it can adapt better (as we will see in the next paragraph).
Error no. 4: Don’t give the plant time to adapt
The temptation to immediately settle the new arrival in the most beautiful spot in the house is strong, but a sudden change in temperature could stress her further. Don’t forget that plants are living beings and need to acclimate.
The trick is simple: choose an intermediate place, well lit but not too hot, for the first few hours. Thanks to this small measure, the plant will be able to adapt gradually and avoid the risk of thermal shock. After that, you can place it in the living room or wherever you prefer, but always away from heat sources and air currents.
What if the plant suffers cold damage?
If you are late in noticing any damage from exposure to adverse conditions, do not despair. Make yourself comfortable and give her some time. Place it in a bright, cool place, water it moderately and wait. Cut only the dry or irremediably damaged parts.
Remember that patience is a virtue. Often, with the right care, the plant will shine again, and, in the meantime, you will have learned a valuable lesson for future winter purchases.
Winter measures for the well-being of plants
To complete the picture, let’s get to the practical suggestions:
If you want to buy a plant during the winter season, do it! Just remember to avoid all those mistakes that would lead to an early end.