Del creative recycling of curtain rings we have already talked to you here, suggesting some original ideas, but today we want to offer you another 5, one prettier than the other. They are all extremely simple, but no less nice. Do you want to have a look?
Magnets with photos
First idea of the year: i photographic magnets. Print a small photo, cut out a circle with the main subject and attach it to the wooden ring with hot glue. But first decorate the ring with a permanent marker or acrylic paints. Add a small magnet to the back, it will allow you to stick the photos on the fridge or other supports.
Wall decoration
If you have recovered several rings, you could join them with hot glue to create a wall decoration. There are many possibilities: paint the rings before attaching them together or cover them with thread or with the crochet technique.
Another nice idea is the garland of rings: you can join them with thin wire or directly with hot glue, creating a circular crown. Once the base is ready, all that remains is to embellish it with paper or felt twigs and leaves, berries, flowers and whatever your imagination suggests.
Making a trivet with curtain rings is child’s play: just join 6 of them with string.
Napkin holders
You can also use the rings as napkin rings by leaving them as they are or painting them a color of your choice.
Why not use the rings to create a beautiful vase?! For this project, in addition to the rings, you will need a hot glue gun and a balloon. The video tutorial explains step by step how to proceed.
Tea towel holder
The last idea we suggest is the tea towel holder: collect 5-6 rings and fix them on a rectangular wooden support. You can use them to keep tea towels in order.