Recent research has revealed that coffee and the bioactive components found within it have the ability to extend life expectancy and improve its quality, reducing possible causes of death.
Beyond the primary components, the coffee it is a complex mixture of thousands of potentially bioactive substances, most of which do not have a comprehensive study of their impact, making it difficult to break down the specific effects of individual components on human health.
Since coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world after water, what we can observe through large population studies could reveal its overall effect on health.
In fact, the researchers of the CNC-Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology they reported that the regular and moderate consumption of coffee (three cups a day) not only helps to extend life, but also improves its quality decreasing the risk of major age-related diseases.
The study
In the study, Impact of coffee optimization on human aging: Epidemiology and cellular plansresearchers examined more than 50 epidemiological studies, analyzing patterns of coffee consumption and their association with data on mortality, healthspan, and various disease parameters within a combined cohort of nearly 3 million individuals.
The results highlighted that amoderate and regular intake is correlated with a 17% reduction in all-cause mortality ratesfewer age-related diseases and an extension of lifespan by approximately 1.8 years.
Coffee consumption has been linked to less functional deterioration due to aging, mitigating memory loss, mood and physical condition. The analysis also found links between moderate coffee consumption and reductions in leading causes of mortality, including deaths related to cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, cancer and respiratory diseases.
The authors of the study also introduced the concept of caffeine as a “normalizer”reformulating it as a stabilizing agent for physiological systems, as opposed to its traditional status as a psychostimulant. This shift in perspective would fundamentally redefine how coffee is thought of, sought after, and consumed, moving it from the concept of a stimulant to a broader category of health optimization.
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