Concentrated solar: accumulating energy through sulphur, the ENEA prototype that could change everything

Solar energy finds a new ally in the sulfurthanks to the project Sulphurreala European initiative that has awarded almost 4 million euros to this promising technology. In the laboratories of ENEA’s Casaccia Research Center, near Rome, a prototype has been created that aims to transform sulfur into a versatile and sustainable energy carrier.

How the sulfur-based ENEA prototype works

The process developed by ENEA exploits the energy of concentrated solar to activate a series of chemical reactions involving sulfuric acid and sulfur-based raw materials, including those derived from industrial waste. The heart of the system is the decomposition of sulfuric acid, which is transformed into sulfuric acid thanks to solar heat sulfur dioxide and oxygen. This anhydride is then reacted with water to again produce sulfuric acid and elemental sulfur.

The sulfur Thus produced, it stores a significant quantity of solar energy, which can subsequently be released through controlled combustion. Salvatore Sauresearcher at the ENEA Energy and Thermal Storage Laboratory, explained:

The use of sulfur as an energy carrier offers important advantages over hydrogen, as it is solid and easier to transport and store. However, the combustion of sulfur produces sulfur dioxide, a polluting gas that requires adequate management systems to avoid impacts on the environment.

The prototype also integrates a electrolyser low voltage (less than 1 volt), which allows the sulfur to be separated by filtration, with a sulfuric acid solution generated at the anode. This device represents a key element to increase the efficiency and sustainability of the process.

The project does not stop here: ENEA plans to build a laboratory-scale plant to perfect and validate the system. The goal is to provide a reliable technology to accumulate thermal energy from intermittent renewable sources, making it available even in periods of low production.