How to grow peanuts in pots: from seed to harvest

Have you ever tried to grow peanuts in a pot? Perhaps not everyone knows that peanuts belong to the legume family and that their growth, unlike other dried fruit – such as almonds or hazelnuts – takes place underground. You can grow peanuts in pot or in the garden. Peanut plants do not require much attention and prefer asunny exposure.

Peanuts are mainly consumed roasted. You can use them without adding salt to enrich breakfast muesli and salads. They are rich in fiber, zinc, magnesium And vitamin E. To get some homemade peanut butterall you have to do is blend them for a long time with the food processor, until you obtain a creamy mixture.

The peanut plant has unique characteristics in its growth cycle. It is a low plant, which does not exceed 45 centimeters in height, and develops small self-pollinating yellow flowers. After pollination, the flower petals fall off, and the stems, called “tips,” located just below the ovaries, begin to grow and bend toward the ground. These tips penetrate the soil, where the ovary develops to form a pod, inside which the actual peanut grows. The peculiarity of the peanut plant is that, although it flourishes on the surface, it produces its fruit underground, a distinctive feature compared to most plants.

Position your jar of peanuts in the sunniest spot on the balcony, terrace or garden. Peanut plants can withstand autumn frosts and fairly cool springs. But if you live in an area where the climate is not particularly mild, the advice is to store your vase in a sheltered place during the colder months. In winter and autumn you can start growing peanuts at home.

How to sow peanut plant

For sowing you can use peanuts in shell purchased at any grocery store. The shelled and/or toasted peanuts . To sow your peanuts, choose soil rich in nutrients. You can add a little of your own Homemade compost in vases. The soil must be well drained and soft, to allow the correct development of the plant. Peanut seeds are found inside the shell. You can decide to shell them or leave them intact. If you shell them, do not remove the reddish film that covers the seeds, otherwise they will not germinate.

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Bear in mind that for the germination some peanut seeds are needed 3 to 5 days. Sow peanuts at approx 5cm deep. You can decide to sow peanuts in seedlings and then transfer the seedlings into pots when they have reached a height of about 10-15 cm.

When to plant peanut plant

Peanuts grow well in regions with temperatures between 20 and 30°C throughout their growth cycle, as they do not tolerate cold temperatures. It is also important to consider the climatic conditions at the time of planting: rainy periods can hinder pollination, so a dry climate during flowering is ideal. The plant also requires at least a few hours of direct sunlight per day to develop properly.


How to grow peanuts

You can start cultivation of the peanuts in a sheltered place, possibly even at home, during thefall or thewinter. Then transfer the pots outdoors when the temperatures are mild, with the arrival of spring. Water the peanut seedlings once a week. You can decide to select the most resistant seedlings and transplant them into larger pots, one for each pot. Follow the growth of the peanut plants by adding soil to the pots to cover the base, as happens with potatoes, to encourage root development. Peanuts they do not require fertilizers and they are easy to grow. Choose pots at least 30 cm deep and with a diameter of 40-50 cm. Peanuts create a symbiotic relationship with the soil, enriching it with nitrogen. For protect them from fungal diseasesyou can use the from time to time nettle macerate or horsetail.

peanut cultivation

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Diseases and parasites

Potted peanuts, like all plants, can be subject to diseases and pests. Among the main enemies of peanuts are peanuts aphidswhich feed on the sap and weaken the plant, and the scale insectssmall insects that attach themselves to leaves and stems, favoring the formation of mold. To combat these parasites, you can use natural remedies such as Marseille soap diluted in water orneem oilto be applied on the leaves with a spray bottle. Peanuts can also suffer from fungal diseases such as root rotwhich occurs in excessively humid soil and causes the decay of the roots. To prevent this problem, it is important to ensure that the pot has good drainage and limit watering, avoiding leaving the plant in environments with stagnant water.

When harvesting peanuts

When to harvest peanuts? The harvest time is indicated byyellowing of the leaves and by the appearance of golden streaks inside peanut shells. Occasionally you can pick up a peanut from the ground and shell it to check. Water the soil shortly before harvesting to make the operation easier. The waiting times for the harvest vary from 130 to 140 days. “Valencia” quality peanuts have shorter harvest times, equal to approximately 10 days.


You will need to uproot the peanut plants gently, gradually removing the soil from the base. Shake the plant to get rid of excess soil and let it dry in a ventilated place until the leaves have dried well. They will be needed about 2 weeks.


It is advisable to take care of the peanut harvest a couple of weeks before the arrival of the first autumn frost.

How to store peanuts

Depending on the variety chosen, inside the shell you can find 2, or 3, peanut seeds. Shelled peanuts will keep for up to a year in a container vacuum container. You can also store peanuts in their shells in a cool, dry place for up to 3 months. After shelling the peanuts from your harvest, let them air dry for another 2 weeks before placing them in your chosen storage container. In the end, it is recommended to briefly toast the peanuts in the oven or in a pan before tasting them.

How to consume peanuts

In addition to enjoying them as snacks or turning them into peanut butter, there are many creative ways to use fresh peanuts from your own harvest. Peanuts can become the main ingredient of homemade energy bars, perfect for a healthy and natural snack. For lovers of international cuisine, peanuts are ideal for preparing “satay sauce,” a peanut sauce typical of Asian cuisine, to be served with vegetables or tofu and chicken skewers. Plus, they can be used in salads to add crunch and a protein boost.

Even peanut peels should not be wasted: they can be composted to enrich the soil or used as a natural drain in pots.

Benefits of peanuts for the soil and surrounding plants

Growing peanuts is not only beneficial for the fruit crop, but also benefits the soil. Being a legume plant, peanut has the ability to enrich the soil with nitrogen, an essential nutrient for many other crops. During its growth cycle, the peanut plant establishes a symbiosis with particular bacteria that fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil, making it available for surrounding plants. This process makes peanuts excellent plants to grow in a vegetable garden or garden, as they help improve soil fertility without having to resort to chemical fertilizers. Alternating peanuts with other crops also allows you to maintain the quality of the soil and promote a healthy and sustainable ecosystem.

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