I am a pediatrician and I will explain to you the risks of consuming raw milk cheeses for children

Eating raw milk and its derivatives can pose serious dangers to children and vulnerable people. Bacteria such as Escherichia coli can cause severe intestinal infections and, in severe cases, lead to haemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which damages the kidneys and nervous system, with fatal outcomes

The consumption of raw milk cheesesincreasingly widespread in markets and artisanal products, represents a large risk to children’s health and vulnerable people. Despite the allure of “natural” and unprocessed foods, such as fresh milk and derived cheeses, the reality is that these unpasteurized products can contain extremely dangerous pathogenic bacteriaespecially for the little ones.

In some cases, in fact, they cause serious diseases such as hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)which can even be mortal. HUS, caused by bacteria such as Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, can lead to serious renal and neurological damage and, in the most extreme cases, precisely to death.

In Italy, unfortunately, clear that informs consumers about the risks associated with the consumption of these products, and this increases the danger to health, especially for the little ones and vulnerable people. Often the information is written small and not very visible and in particular in artisanal products there is not always rigorous control, and consumers rely only on the seller.

The advice of Dr. Carla Tomasini

As explained to us Dr. Carla Tomasinispecialized in pediatrics and childcare, the subjects more vulnerable These include children, but also pregnant women, the elderly and people with compromised immune systems.

For this reason, it is essential to avoid the consumption of raw milk and fresh cheeses derived from it, unless they have been subjected to pasteurization or aged for at least 9-12 months. Dr Tomasini stressed that it is unrealistic to expect every parent to know all the risks associated with consuming raw milk, so it is essential that labels are clearer.

According to her, the solution would be a law that obliges to clearly highlight the Consumption ban for children under 10 years of ageas already happens in other European countries. This could avoid many accidents, like the one involved Elijaha child who died last May from HUS after eating raw milk cheese contaminated with Escherichia coli STEC.

Another recent case in Trentino involved a child who has contracted an intestinal infection after eating Puzzone di Moenaa well-known raw milk cheese. Fortunately, the health authorities immediately recalled the contaminated batches, but these episodes are unfortunately recurring.

While waiting for a law to be approved in this sense, the pediatrician advises parents to pay close attention to product labeling and not to let children consume raw milk or fresh unpasteurized cheeses. If in doubt, it is best to avoid the purchase. If you buy raw milk, it is always better boil it before consuming itas was once done, to reduce the risk of contamination.