Is he the right person? These 6 (very important) signs will reveal it to you

Is he or isn’t he the right person? How many times has this thought entered your mind? According to couples psychologist Gregory Matos, these 6 signs can help you clarify things (once and for all)

The myth of the soul mate dies hard: we continue to believe it (we want to believe it) at any age, convinced that sooner or later we will find the right person. Sometimes the wish comes true, other times we delude ourselves that we have her by our side… even if this isn’t the case. C’est la vie!

On the other hand, matters of the heart are rather complicated and understanding whether the person we are with is really our half of the apple is not so obvious. You go partly by instinct, partly you rely on the advice of experts, in the hope that the mix of heart and reason will bring clarity. But, as we know, you have to feel certain things deeply!

What is certain is that some signals should not be underestimated and we’re not talking about butterflies in the stomach or anything like that, but about precise behaviors and sensations. To be precise, 6, those listed and described by couple psychologist Gregory Matos in an article published in Psychology Today.

It is “they” who reveal whether or not we are experiencing one healthy, safe relationship based on real compatibility. Here they are one by one:

Gregory Matos suggests that anyone who is in a stable relationship, i.e. one that has lasted more than a year, start from this list to ask themselves some questions in the company of their partner.

For example, you might ask each other what fun things you did together in the past year, or ask each other about your sex drive: Is everything okay or is there something off? Ditto for the other signals: do you both feel comfortable in silence? Do you have the perception of having been chosen by the other?

Exchange questions on the various points and listen to each other, the answers could be enlightening. Both positively and negatively. It’s worth a try…

SOURCES: Psychology Today